Monday, July 18, 2011

I shouldn't have said anything

I walked back to a small 4 door car.  My wife was sitting in the back seat.  I opened the door and sat down beside her for a moment telling her that I needed to tell her something.  I then told her that I had just been inside the hotel that we were parked in front of and that I had helped an important man there change rooms.  We had known that others had found out he was in the other room and it was a danger so we had moved him.  As I told her this a fellow walked up to the front door of the car, reached in through the open window took out the keys and then told us both to get out of the car.  We got out and could see he was wearing a head set and that they had been listening to my conversation.  They told me that I should not have said anything.  We stood with this fellow in front of the lobby door while another of his team was a quarter block down the sidewalk.

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