Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Psychic Pain and Trouble on the streets

I was on the Internet ready to respond to a work item that I had before me.  I had just had a weight dropped on me for not doing the right thing on a problem that also concerned my brother.  He asked me by IM why I had done what I had and I must not have responded well enough as I noticed a short time later that I had a large hammer pivot down on me with the heavy weighted end not smashing me but weighting me down.  I was fighting it and wiggling away when it went away supposedly I had taken punishment enough in my brother’s mind.

I then started to answer this problem as I was and I lost my Internet connection and I felt a fairly major shaking.  I leaned up and started to part a large drape and at the same time asking my wife what was going on.  She told me she didn’t know and just like the last time I asked a question she was too busy to check into it.  She was carrying a large street fire hose over our hard wood floors and let a short blast spew out.

I then heard someone saying that there had been trouble on the streets from one address I did not get to another address which was not far from us.  I looked outside and could see small clusters of people slowly moving down the sidewalk on the far side of the street further down the way from our house.  I asked my wife what she was doing and explained to her that we had been given the fire hose for protection in case we had trouble and not to clean things.  About that time she had taken the hose out one side of the house through a hatch door there and was hosing down an upwardly slanted conveyer belt.  I went back through the house and saw two gentlemen standing half way up concrete stairs to our house and our side door was open. I asked them what was happening and they explained to me that our older green car had gotten one tire damaged but that he thought it would be no big deal as we had a million dollars of insurance.

I then grabbed a large four foot tall bottle of Cola that was in a heavy glass shaped bottle and when I started to pull on the small end it broke the long spout off in my hand.  I started losing Cola so tipped it back and started to carry that half up to the house and one of the other gentlemen grabbed the bottom said her let Mark do it and started up with the bottom half.

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