Friday, July 15, 2011

Fellowship in the field

My wife and I went to a gathering that was in a large field.  I was asked to go by her and I thought if asked by my wife I owed it to her to go. By the time we had gotten there the field was already speckled with many other participants.  We made our place down a trail and found a place to sit that was down the path quite some ways.  We sat just back from the path on the right hand side. 
It was now dusk and a lady began to speak to us.  She said that we were to feel at ease and that we would possibly find some mind opening experiences and that we would be sharing in great fellowship with those around us. My wife and I lay back on our backs and listened.  There were a couple of people up walking the trails moving slowly around the many of us.  At one point a lady took a long stick and gently nudged my wife and was asked to move back further off the path and away from my side.  It was said that this would allow both of us to learn more. 

As time went by I found myself messing with what was underneath me as it felt like a black pod of some sort and it bothered me.  I wondered even if it was something live or that would hatch something live.  A bit later a young lady came up beside me where my wife had moved from and put her hand up to mine in the air.  She slowly spoke out letters of the alphabet such as, "T   L  R"  She then said a word that seemed to incorporate all the letters as if this was the goal and she had not known the answer or the letters she would say until that moment. 

I remember leaving in the middle of the service and that I was soon lost and had no idea how to get to the car or to any other place

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