Monday, July 11, 2011

Slab Puller

I was working my job as "Slab Puller" in a very fast cedar wood sawmill.  This was a particularly fast day and as the minutes and then hours went by I was working harder and harder as the sawyer was feeding it so very fast that I could not keep up nor could the "Gang Saw."  The feed deck normally one layer of slabs and halved logs soon became two layers and most of it slabs.  The minutes went by and now there were three layers of wood on the feed deck.  This multiplication in work continued until I was ducking under a huge mound of wood maybe 6 layers high trying my best to continue to pull slabs off of it. 
I had a great feeling of claustrophobia hit me and I looked to the side and there was 2 feet below me that was a walking deck that if I crawled I could just make it and then drop to the ground below.   This beat back the dreaded fear I had but my job continued to be unbearably difficult.

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