Monday, July 4, 2011

Post Apocalypse World

It was a post apocalypse world.  Our city as well as anything that we knew about was destroyed.  There was no power, and no day to day business.  There were fewer people and split families.  I was one of the survivors and was in a large hotel in our city.  I gathered up the people around me that I could.  I started to scavenge for supplies and put them in a drop zone and I asked others around me to help.  I grabbed food from the kitchen and towels from a linen closet.  I grabbed any medicine.  I grabbed anything that could be eaten from rooms and anything useful I could see.  If you went outside our hotel you could see that everything was lifeless, there was not movement and even the appearance of shabbiness and death.  There was a lot of chaotic activity in the hotel as one group of friends went this way and an older couple that way. I tried to keep our little group together as much as I could.

At one point early into this day before everything went dead I had used a credit card to get cash from a machine.  It should have been 1000 dollars but was only 700.  I had taken the machine and put it into a large industrial sink in the hotel kitchen.  I was running the gears and ice would swirl through and merchandise would be freed up to and fall down the slot.  Bottles of soda and candy and finally my money fell out the bottom end, all of this having been released from an icy nugget slosh that was in the bottom.  I secured the money and carried it in a large envelope in the pocket of my sweats I was wearing and then was fearful that the lump in the pocket would make me a victim of robbery.

Later in that day that there was a fight.  Two of our group had gone down a floor to grab some items and a black gangster and his buddy were after them.  There was a standoff between two policeman and the two sides.  A man in my group finally forced the action and was the victor.

At one point my wife and I were overlooking a lake and the surrounding mountains.  A grand light show was occurring as the mountain sides all around us were changing into paisley patterns of color and light.  One section was brightly patterned purple, the one on our right in a spotted green.  Anyone within our hearing you could hear gasping in appreciation of the show.  We went out in a small boat into the lake nearby and were admiring the show when our boat began to take water and eventually started sinking fast.  There were to other small boats nearby and as we abandoned our boat and loaded ourselves into one of the others with its elderly all male crew we apologized.

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