Thursday, July 7, 2011

Prison and The Princess falls

I was in Prison was trying to make changes to the violence inside.  There were some visitors that came into the prison to speak with the inmates.  This was a young dark skinned princess and her older brother.  Her brother was her closest guardian.  He was youngish, in his late twenties had long dark hair and noble features.  When the couple visited I happen to speak with the princess about photography after they had shown some spectacular photo montages to us.   The princess was very interested and it was set that I would leave with them a week or so later and we would go on a photography visit to the mountains that were nearby.

On the day that they were to pick me up I was running late as I had also started organizing the inmates that would listen to start changing things, to become a much more civil surrounding.  I had the backing of many but a few were against me totally.  That day I put up for a vote whether I should go on this trip, telling them that if we were making changes it would not hurt for us to have a contact of such stature.  It was voted that I should go although it was clear that some fallout could occur when I got back from a few of the inmates that were dead set against change.  I ran across the princess's brother and apologized for running late and he said it was ok. On the way out the door one of the guards asked me why I was doing it and I said that I believed in change, that I was changing and things in the prison would change. I offered them a guarantee.

I dressed in snowmobile boots, a warm top and bottom and then walked out to meet up with the princess and her brother to then get into a helicopter to fly us to the mountains where I knew of a magnificent array of ice and snow cliffs and caves not too far from civilization.  I could tell by conversation with the Princess as we flew that she was not able to make many trips to anywhere and that she had thrown her weight around to make this happen.  We flew into this valley of ice cliffs as far as we dared and then got out and with our entourage started to walk back in further.

We had come across fantastic sites of rock and snow cliffs. I rubbed the rock as we went by mentioning to the Princess that it was so beautiful.  We walked down into a lower area down a natural ice ladder and walked into a hugely fantastic ice cave fully protected from collapsing and hundreds of tables of golden jewelry clothing and furniture all being taken care of by hundreds of servants.  I know this had to be the Prince and Princesses country mates and that this was the people that she reigned over.

Later we got into a spot where natural thawing from a protected area had created slush and we were maneuvering through the valley dip when the Princess took a fall and hit her head.  It was a severe injury.   Her brother was the one to work on her as he cleared away the area nearby and started examining what he could find.  They had put her in the middle of some protective cardboard items so her brother brushed everything away to see her.  At one point as the Princess sat up and removed her top she looked at me when just ready to expose herself and I backed away and turned my head although her smile told me it was not necessary.

Later the prince picked up one end of the bed they had laid his sister on and where he pushed her upright on some wheels to a phone area nearby.  All along I had taken some photos of everything but was unsure of my settings and not sure they would come out.  I took one earlier of the Princess and I took a couple of the ice and stone.  I did not take any at the time of treating the Princess as it was not appropriate.  Things started turning serious with the Princesses condition and I could hear some grumbling from others that this was why it was a mistake to take the Princess on such dangerous trips.

Later I was waiting on a bench and I was told by another fellow that this could take some time as they had to wait for the flesh to start decay.  At the end of the wait the Prince told another person who was then responsible for me to get me ready and that he wanted them to give me the heroin so that there would be no problems.  I was afraid when I saw the syringe come near me and then enter a vein.  I remember then arriving back in prison and being out of it and having others bully me for what was in my pockets.

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