Monday, August 1, 2011

The Battle

I had a gun and I was one of many with them.  We were shooting each other.  We were in a very large building with many doorways, rooms, stairs and halls.  There was one extremely large room with obstructions that could be used to hide.  I did not see anyone die that got hit but it was a very serious atmosphere.  Apparently the consequences were grave although I did not see anyone die.  It was difficult because there were some that were more like zombies than others. They had stamina, and one mindedly went after their prey.  If you angered them they redoubled their efforts and I had the misfortune of doing just that along the way.

I had also laid down my share or bullets.  At one time I was in a room with a lady that was standing guard up high on a perch.  I was speaking with her as we had a truce between us and I laughed at her attitude as shown to others.  She was a hard individual when she needed to be.  At another time I was sitting in a large room on a bench beside a couple of others. I was relatively safe on the bench.  Everyone had left but one armed guy and I and I was not sure if I got up to leave that I wouldn’t be shot.  I did not want to make the move but as I continued speaking with my comrade in arms I felt more comfortable that I was ok to get up and go and I did.

At another time I was in a large hall of people and my aunt walked by going the other direction.  It was difficult to stop but I told the companion that I was with that it was my aunt and I stopped and went to her.  She was very loving but not completely with it, she looked tired.  Another time I was going through a large room and in the floor sunken in a hole were two people.  One had his head sticking out and a hole cut in the flooring just around his neck so that it would come through the floor.  There was a rectangle metal compartment around that.  The other fellow had the same set up but with an additional small hole in the floor.  I knew that I could get free points from them and shot each of them four times.  It looked like metal balls was my ammunition and I missed one of my shots on the second fellow on my quick path by them.

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