Monday, August 8, 2011

A visit to a Mountain Cabine

My wife and I went to visit my brother-in-law's friend in the mountains.  My brother-in0law was supposed to be there so my wife and I wanted to join them.  We got to the mountain and walked up from where we parked to a cabin that was up a hill. The cabin sat at the bottom of a very snowy pretty mountain.  It was spring so it was still chilly but very gorgeous.

My wife and I were in the yard and there were two picnic tables we were told that my brother-in-law's friend had made. They were made of steel cable attached to one end of the table and then coiled away in half loops until reaching the end about 20 feet away.

We joined the others inside and the scene changed to my wife and I visiting her Dad's second wife and their family.  My wife sat on one side of a couch and the 2nd wife on the other.  In the middle was a younger person.  I was sitting on an ottoman in front of the couch and leaned over to put my head in the lap of the younger person and asked if it was OK.  She said yes it is.  I laid there and we all chatted.

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