Saturday, August 20, 2011

Eight Horrifying, Misunderstood Nightmares

I found this article this week on the Eight Horrifying, Misunderstood Nightmares.  I think it has some merit so thought I should post it here.

My experience on nightmares are that they are so very odd in my case and not at all straight-forward for the most part that I cannot really figure their meaning out.  There are occasions that I too have the kind spoken of here and they are more direct nightmares however as you see in the majority of my dreaming I tend to dream oddly and nothing like what I have heard from others so my nightmares fall in that same pattern.

You have seen very few of my nightmares posted here and for good reason.  Frankly, I don't want to remember them and take steps so that I won't.  I love writing my dreams out and then putting the dreams up in a journal.  I am not dedicated that way to nightmares. I do not try to remember them just so I can write them down.  If I happen to remember them the next day I will certainly write them out but I am not going to write them down at the time or speak them into a recorder which I also do.  Usually I am exhausted as I have slept poorly and I leave a light on and try to go back to sleep.  It can be very difficult at times as some of my nightmares border on night terrors.

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