Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The visitors

I was in a prairie grass valley.  This was our encampment which comprised of a half dozen buildings.   There were 25 or so others with me as well.  We had seen some very odd flying machines in the sky so we had started trying to make decisions about gathering together in safety.  There was one particular building that most of us decided to stay in and prepare what little defense we could muster.  There were some others that sought solitude in various cubby holes in the buildings and throughout the valley. 

This building was one large room with windows which we attempted to close off. There were long lunchroom tables which we kept in one part of the room together and I recall taking a nap on top of one of the tables.  My mother was in the room also and we sat together.  Later there were wild lights in the valley and nearby where we were at, they were flashing at odds with a series of oddly mechanical sounds. 

We began to see green rubbery like tendrils start at the top of the window and then slowly unroll their finger-like appendages down the windows until the entire window looked like it had a green lacy fringe. We were all scared but we had little in order of defense, we tried to make ourselves small and some in pathetic bravado took shovels and swung them at the windows. After a time the lights, sounds and appendages left leaving us alone with our fears and worries.

A few of us began to venture cautious peeks out the doors and windows and then slow unsure steps outside. It appeared that we were again alone. Slowly life in our camp began to come back to normal. Then we noticed that high in the skies, nearly at visions bounds, we could see large bird-like creatures flying.  The flying creatures looked a lot like the pictures we have all seen of prehistoric predators, and that is certainly how they appeared, Had to be of significant size for us to have even a glimpse of them from that far away.  Again we were frightened, very frightened but without any defenses were at a loss how to handle the oddness that was unfolding before us. 

Many of us just remained outside as it appeared that if we were in danger we were outclassed as well and there was no reason to cower in the weak protection of a darkened room.  As late afternoon arrived everyone in camp was milling about fixing dinner and doing other chores while taking cautious looks into the sky where now the flying creatures were few and then gone completely.  I had started to hear rumors that there was a flying craft on the other side of the rim of the hill surrounding our valley. 

There were three of us, myself, my brother and another person in the camp that decided we could brave it and go and check out the craft. About half way there I started to wonder if I had it in me.  I was more frightened by far than any other time in my life. I started to drop behind my brother and let him hide me until I decided that I too was brave enough. 

On our way we had a fellow pass up on his way toward the camp and he would not look at us.  We asked him why and he said I would have until I saw them.  That did not at all make me feel better but we continued.  When we got to the craft it was transparent and we could see yellowish orange beings with odd protruding short appendages and folds of what to us looked like fat.  Brighter orange patches were spread among the writhing mass and I felt squeamish as if what I was seeing was not at all right in our universe and in no universe I could imagine.  It was frightening but more so it was upsetting to all senses and indeed didn't make sense.

I began to feel a tingle on my shoulder, a touch I suppose and it felt nice. This was a friendly touch, a touch of assurance.  As we all began to feel this touch or what I now considered communication we drew more at ease. After some time we each felt that we should go back to our camp and explain how we felt and that we did not anticipate ill will of any type. 

When we got back to the camp we walked into our building and I noticed small green flying creatures that looked a bit prehistoric.  They were on the floor but flattened either by some stress on their part or they had been killed.  I explained some of what we had found out in our travels.  At that time behind us came figures. First what appeared to be a masculine figure still in orange and yellow but far less unsettling and in a more compact blocky human like form with no odd appendages. Then a more feminine featured being came forward and came beside me and I swear as I write this that she acted enamored with me. She stood so near it was hard to not believe what I was picking up. I saw what appeared to be a smile or the close resemblance of a smile and I felt a warmth come over me.

After some time two of us began to explain to our camp that it appeared that all they really needed was some linoleum that we had and we began to run a loading chain and gathered up a large amount for them.

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