Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Jumping out windows and the target zone

My brother, my sister, my wife and I were hanging out on a vacation.  I remembered speaking with my brother about if every one of us in the family could do what we knew to do and we did it well we would all move forward.  My brother had contacts and all the others of us had other skills that could all combine to make a whole.

Then things turned into something different.  I was with a past girlfriend and we came to a large place with a lot of halls and rooms.  We were watching a late night movie but also we were the movie.  As it went forward we were doing everything in the movie.  We were watching the movie and I would find myself going to sleep and I slept in various odd places, a bathtub and up against a wall.  The girl was next to me and we were holding hands on one occasion.  There were a bunch of people in one movie that were like they were getting brain-washed.  Occasionally one of the people would do something shocking such as kill themselves.

Everyone at one point jumped out a windows and everyone would fly down in the exact same arc, intentionally aiming themselves at a target and every one of them would smash there one after the other.   Others would take off from steps leading into a building and yet they would still take the same angle and smash in the same targeted zone.  Always they would land head first.  The movie we were watching was warning us to watch for trouble.  The girl I was with started pushing me away and was accusing me of turning against her.  After that they were trying to talk a lot of people on our floor to jump down into the pool below.  They tried to convince us that it was OK but people would jump, they would land in the pool and yet they would still fly off at the same exact angle and hit the spot where their heads would smash with the impact.  I would not go.

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