Friday, August 19, 2011

The Dying Astronaut

I was with my father and brother and we had been in a very forested area that was at that point covered in a lot of snow.  We had driven out of the deeper woods and were now in a large building that was a school.  It was built with a gathering area in the center and then wings breaking off around the diameter of the circle in the middle.  There were also stairs leading up at several places around the circle.

I was driving in the truck to pick up our backpacks and other equipment and drove the truck up a wing to the center of the building where I stopped next to the equipment in the center.  My father said no take it out there for now and pointed at a spot to park just outside the circle.  I did so and then joined my father and brother in the center of the building. 

There was a hush over the building with whispers coming out in different areas and at different times.  I did not know what was going on but there was a feeling of seriousness, of tenseness that was obvious.  I finally asked what was going on and at first was not given the answer I was just urged to wait.  I could see a group of people that were huddled in an office. 

At this time a class of students were brought in to take the benches in the area and a man told them in straight-forward language that there teacher who was also an astronaut was dyeing a sudden death.  They were then left to speak with the staff and among themselves.  I had learned that the man was feeling ok a day before and that today he was moment from dying.  He had no warning, no pain but the fact was he was going quickly.  I caught a glimpse of him and he was very pale, with yellow tinges to the skin and had the glazed over eyes and body language of a person in total shock and faced with a reality hard to grasp. 

They took the astronaut/teacher out a door and into an office.  Later I could see a sheet had been put over his face and body.  The reality of death had occurred.  As the students, the staff and the family left out the many doors I was asked to bring the truck up and it was loaded.  My father and brother hopped in the seat and went outside.  I realized I did not see them around after some time.  I walked between two sides of the building to doors there watching for them.  

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