Thursday, August 11, 2011

We better get going then - Whale Surfing

We Better Get Going Then

I was being chased and I had hoped on to a bike and was ready to roll off and my uncle hoped on behind me as I was saying into the wind in front of me wow I was in trouble and my uncle said "well we better get going then."

Whale Surfing

My wife and I along with a couple of others were in the ocean riding the waves on inner tubes and also body surfing.  It was very blue water and it was awesome to get to the top of a wave and look down and see 20 feet below.  It was a gorgeously brilliant blue sky and sunny all around.  Out of the blue came a tall bubble of water that I road in an adrenalin rushed moment.  I recall yelling out, "That was a whale" and then looking to my right where I did see a breaching Orca.  As I came back down to the bottom of the water indent that was created I had little time to ponder the situation and I was soon riding another bubble up.  This time I could see that there were three or four whales to my right not all Orca but Blues as well.

I heard one of the women that were out with us yelling to my wife that she was now fine and that my wife needed to now save the whales.  I meant this to mean that they had asked Barbara to use her healing powers to help our Whale visitors.  The rest of us headed for the beach.  I did not see my wife for quite some time and later I recall walking up beside what appeared to be a large aquarium glass and seeing my wife in the corner riding among a swirl of foaming water that appeared to have substance enough to be filling up the tank.  I told her that she had done what she needed to do and that now she had to get out.

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