Sunday, August 28, 2011

Wooden Violence

I was running away and trying to figure out where I was going to hide.  I was being sought for a violent act I had committed.  I had been in a large warehouse and there was a lot of pallets and stacks of finished wood products.  I was way, way up on an upper level. I had thought that our entire group would participate in what I was then to do. I was to take a long finished piece of 2x ... wood and heave it so that it would hit directly on top of a person that was sitting in the bleachers far below us. I threw my wood and he was knocked unconscious. Eventually after waiting much time he came out of the unconcious state but I knew I was on the hook for what had been done.

I did not know what the charge might be?   It wasn't manslaughter or murder but I figured it was assault but how grievous of a charge it was I wasn't sure.  I took a piece of finished wood about 8 to ten feet long and I started using it as a sled.  Belly first on this chunk of wood I flew down all the roads in the nearby area, running up into the wooded outlying areas to the downtown alleys and roads.  I could not find a place that I thought I felt comfortable hiding out and not eventually get caught.

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