Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Alternate Unvierses, Animal protector and a coin trick goes bad

I was in a large two-story compound.  Several other and myself had come from an alternate universe and were supposed to be living by the rules of the system we were in now.  I wasn't sure that it was the best thing to do and was hiding an agenda of my own and I knew others were also. 

I was on the lower floor of the compound and I saw a man twisting a dog's ear and teasing him in other ways.  It was not in a good way.  I went over to him and pushed him back and said to him that if I saw him teasing the dog like that again I would kill him.  I also told him that if I didn't see him that every single one of the others would tell me if they saw him doing so.  I knew that they would as I was towards the top in rank.  I had the dog's toy in my hand and I threw it at him and hit him in the head.  I said, "That is a toy.  You are a toy! And the dog, he is not a toy!"  The man left after and I walked away. 

Later I was on the second floor where we were all sleeping and I noticed that there were coins all over the floor, half dollars, quarters all manners of coins.  I thought there had to be at least seven dollars in change so I gathered it all up.  I was going to take it to someone and then thought better of it as what if the money was not theirs and they claimed it anyway.  I didn't like that so I thought what I might do is stack it up near the stairs where no one could take it.  Another person came to me and I told them what I was doing. 

I noticed when I was by the stairs I could see down to the lower floor and see almost everything going on there.  Then I had this thought what if I were to take some of the coins mostly the smaller ones and throw a coin at a time about ten feet away from someone and make them look over and wonder what the heck was going on.  I got my first penny and threw it in the general area of a man I thought maybe ten feet away.  The floor was a shiny linoleum product and the coin hit it popped up and nailed the man right on the forehead!  I thought oh wow that's not a good idea so I laid the rest of the money down. 

I walked off and then noticed a box of books next to where someone was going to be sleeping.  I looked over at them.  It seemed to me to be books describing the beliefs of the other universe.  I packed up a bag of them and put them over on the other side of the dormitory where I thought they would be taken away.  I sat down and started to read a couple of them and had to admit I agreed with them. 

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