Monday, May 16, 2011

The mansion and the many rooms

I was younger and living in a huge mansion that was similar to a capital building.  If you were facing the front of the building on each half of the place in the front were two cavernous gathering rooms and around each room were a dozen rooms to take care of the large rooms such as kitchens, restrooms, coat rooms and so on.  Off to the sides and the back of those rooms and indeed in front of them were a myriad of rooms for any purpose you could surmise.  As a young person I was going from floor to floor and around elevators which seemed to be stuck in at every angle imaginable position. There were also stairs and there were small slider halls that led into rooms at an odd angle for which the purpose was not explicit.  I even was chased by staff when I went into the end of one room and found a back wall elevator that opened up and on the other side of the elevator was another door that opened up into a half moon shaped room of gamblers smoking cigars and women sporting large hats and men in loud talk.  The door closed so I waited for another round when it opened and slid into the room where I took a good look before heading out a side door running away from the staff.  I found a room tucked away at the top that had several very nice looking women in half dress and it seemed that I knew them.  The room was a large room with sofas, pillows, vanities and other nice accoutrements for the female persuasion.   Out of each room there were always multiple doors.   One wondered how many rooms were hidden in what way around this large place. 

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