Saturday, May 21, 2011

Escaping Lockup

I was being held prisoner.  I was able to escape because I had in my possession a weapon that if pointed at a person would cause their skin to turn red and then almost instantly from there they died.  I was escaping in a station wagon with driver and passenger, second seat held two and then third seat was me and a lady.  I was in the back seat with the weapon and none of the others were with me, they were against me.  It had started in a place that I had been being held but I had obtained the weapon and held hostages in the car. 

We had been going quite some time when the lady that was with me attempted several times to either get away or to speak to the others and tell them what to do to get control.  I had repeatedly hit her to try and control her.  I had kept control for some time but then I was getting tired and I could feel that I was losing control so I used the gun and first shot a lady in the second seat that had tried hard to rebel.  I had them kick her out of the car. 

Later I felt I was losing control again and I shot the fellow that was next to the lady I had first shot.  I watched his face grow read with the energy from the silent weapon and then die.  I bit later I felt I had to kill the lady next to me and the passenger in the front which I did.  I then announced to the driver that it was just he and I. 

It was dark and I could barely see he was trying something by leaning over far into the passenger side so I shot him as well.  The car was heading on to a freeway entrance and it was long so I knew if the foot was off of the gas I could be OK.  The car eventually stopped in some grass and I took off on foot.  I ended up behind a big industrial mill.  There were giant rocks lined up as a wall and I climbed on top of them and jumped from one to another.  There was a trailer on my right side a ways down and I could see a light that came on as I passed. It seemed it was an automatic light but I also figured it either took my picture or it had an alarm.  I continued jumping from rock to rock until I reached the far end and I could see that others were looking for me. 

I could not stay in that location so I jumped down into the mill and had to hide in a hole that had a lot of grinding wheels exposed in it and I knew if it came on I was dead but I had to take the chance.  Eventually I was seen, I gave up and I knew I would be in a state prison which would keep me safer than the people I had to kill that died of this energy weapon and normal people wouldn’t be even close to it. 

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