Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Alternate Unvierses, Animal protector and a coin trick goes bad

I was in a large two-story compound.  Several other and myself had come from an alternate universe and were supposed to be living by the rules of the system we were in now.  I wasn't sure that it was the best thing to do and was hiding an agenda of my own and I knew others were also. 

I was on the lower floor of the compound and I saw a man twisting a dog's ear and teasing him in other ways.  It was not in a good way.  I went over to him and pushed him back and said to him that if I saw him teasing the dog like that again I would kill him.  I also told him that if I didn't see him that every single one of the others would tell me if they saw him doing so.  I knew that they would as I was towards the top in rank.  I had the dog's toy in my hand and I threw it at him and hit him in the head.  I said, "That is a toy.  You are a toy! And the dog, he is not a toy!"  The man left after and I walked away. 

Later I was on the second floor where we were all sleeping and I noticed that there were coins all over the floor, half dollars, quarters all manners of coins.  I thought there had to be at least seven dollars in change so I gathered it all up.  I was going to take it to someone and then thought better of it as what if the money was not theirs and they claimed it anyway.  I didn't like that so I thought what I might do is stack it up near the stairs where no one could take it.  Another person came to me and I told them what I was doing. 

I noticed when I was by the stairs I could see down to the lower floor and see almost everything going on there.  Then I had this thought what if I were to take some of the coins mostly the smaller ones and throw a coin at a time about ten feet away from someone and make them look over and wonder what the heck was going on.  I got my first penny and threw it in the general area of a man I thought maybe ten feet away.  The floor was a shiny linoleum product and the coin hit it popped up and nailed the man right on the forehead!  I thought oh wow that's not a good idea so I laid the rest of the money down. 

I walked off and then noticed a box of books next to where someone was going to be sleeping.  I looked over at them.  It seemed to me to be books describing the beliefs of the other universe.  I packed up a bag of them and put them over on the other side of the dormitory where I thought they would be taken away.  I sat down and started to read a couple of them and had to admit I agreed with them. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

All about Dream Factories by - Bogdan Szot

This art depicts the artist's evaluation of our minds at night a "Dream Factory."

Here is the artist approaching the same subject with video
Art dream video

This is more of Bogdan's art Artworks

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Wooden Violence

I was running away and trying to figure out where I was going to hide.  I was being sought for a violent act I had committed.  I had been in a large warehouse and there was a lot of pallets and stacks of finished wood products.  I was way, way up on an upper level. I had thought that our entire group would participate in what I was then to do. I was to take a long finished piece of 2x ... wood and heave it so that it would hit directly on top of a person that was sitting in the bleachers far below us. I threw my wood and he was knocked unconscious. Eventually after waiting much time he came out of the unconcious state but I knew I was on the hook for what had been done.

I did not know what the charge might be?   It wasn't manslaughter or murder but I figured it was assault but how grievous of a charge it was I wasn't sure.  I took a piece of finished wood about 8 to ten feet long and I started using it as a sled.  Belly first on this chunk of wood I flew down all the roads in the nearby area, running up into the wooded outlying areas to the downtown alleys and roads.  I could not find a place that I thought I felt comfortable hiding out and not eventually get caught.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Machine error (or the tale of the jutting cheek)

I was in a very high-tech medical investigation lab.  Two of the engineers were working on a touch screen that was obviously attached to the vast array of equipment seen in the room.  I was very near them.  One man worked on the touch screen looking at patterns on the monitor and making rapid hand movements.  As the man worked further I could feel my right side cheek begin to move outward.  It continued to move outward until the cheek was completely stretched to its limits and stuck out a good three inches while my mouth became a tiny slit of an opening. 

The man working let the tension in his shoulders relax and it appeared that he had done what his work asked of him.  At that time I made a sound and tried to speak.  Both of the men looked over at me and gasped just the smallest amount.  The man handy with his hands at the board said I can get that.  He began looking at patterns on the monitor again and his hands slowly worked as what it appeared he was doing was looking for the faulty bit of code.  In a flash of a moment and with little sound all equipment ceased to work, lights went out and we were now without power. 

They two men were aggravated and not at all pleased.  After a few moments power came back on.  Handy hands said to the other technician I can get it.  I could hear the other man say, "That is extremely difficult."  "But I can get it" answered handy hands.  Again the screen was full of patterns, of what I wasn't sure as I just could not see from my distance the fine detail.  However I could see information written on the monitor that flowed in patterns of clumps, strings and dots of information.  At that moment handy hand exclaimed "that's it".  He took his hands and surrounded on the monitor a small bit of information and began to pinch and remove it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Oral Therapy, the three hats, and the true self

There were four of us in the room.  There was the lady that the other three of us was sure needed our help.  We were using oral therapy techniques to help her.  At one point the floor had been given to me.  I was running down through verbal therapy with the lady how she would never remain herself, that she was always trying to become someone else.  It had taken some time to get to the point I was at. The lady, not wanting to face the reality of her actions, had fought hard to not admit and deal with it.  I had gotten her to a point of real discomfort at this point and again the lady answered in such a way to attempt to be another person than her true self.  I confronted her directly with the fact and pointed out what in her speech and body was telling me I was correct.  I was sure that I could break her down.  This would then allow me to build her back up while pointing out that this was the better way to go. 

Suddenly I saw the lady flash quickly through three gaudy women's hats rapid fire.  I am saying I could see this with my eyes as did the others near me.  This was not physically capable of happening but it did.   I started to speak and was motioned by the other two near me that they would take over at this point.  At nearly the same time as the women next to me said "This is who you are!" a gurney rolled out the door in the back of the room toward us.  The women that had been facing us this day suddenly started screaming, "No, No that isn't me, that isn't me!"  I could see on the gurney was a red-headed lady with no legs and not at all looking healthy.  I could tell although the protest had run out that this was indeed the ladies' true self.   

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Eight Horrifying, Misunderstood Nightmares

I found this article this week on the Eight Horrifying, Misunderstood Nightmares.  I think it has some merit so thought I should post it here.

My experience on nightmares are that they are so very odd in my case and not at all straight-forward for the most part that I cannot really figure their meaning out.  There are occasions that I too have the kind spoken of here and they are more direct nightmares however as you see in the majority of my dreaming I tend to dream oddly and nothing like what I have heard from others so my nightmares fall in that same pattern.

You have seen very few of my nightmares posted here and for good reason.  Frankly, I don't want to remember them and take steps so that I won't.  I love writing my dreams out and then putting the dreams up in a journal.  I am not dedicated that way to nightmares. I do not try to remember them just so I can write them down.  If I happen to remember them the next day I will certainly write them out but I am not going to write them down at the time or speak them into a recorder which I also do.  Usually I am exhausted as I have slept poorly and I leave a light on and try to go back to sleep.  It can be very difficult at times as some of my nightmares border on night terrors.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Dying Astronaut

I was with my father and brother and we had been in a very forested area that was at that point covered in a lot of snow.  We had driven out of the deeper woods and were now in a large building that was a school.  It was built with a gathering area in the center and then wings breaking off around the diameter of the circle in the middle.  There were also stairs leading up at several places around the circle.

I was driving in the truck to pick up our backpacks and other equipment and drove the truck up a wing to the center of the building where I stopped next to the equipment in the center.  My father said no take it out there for now and pointed at a spot to park just outside the circle.  I did so and then joined my father and brother in the center of the building. 

There was a hush over the building with whispers coming out in different areas and at different times.  I did not know what was going on but there was a feeling of seriousness, of tenseness that was obvious.  I finally asked what was going on and at first was not given the answer I was just urged to wait.  I could see a group of people that were huddled in an office. 

At this time a class of students were brought in to take the benches in the area and a man told them in straight-forward language that there teacher who was also an astronaut was dyeing a sudden death.  They were then left to speak with the staff and among themselves.  I had learned that the man was feeling ok a day before and that today he was moment from dying.  He had no warning, no pain but the fact was he was going quickly.  I caught a glimpse of him and he was very pale, with yellow tinges to the skin and had the glazed over eyes and body language of a person in total shock and faced with a reality hard to grasp. 

They took the astronaut/teacher out a door and into an office.  Later I could see a sheet had been put over his face and body.  The reality of death had occurred.  As the students, the staff and the family left out the many doors I was asked to bring the truck up and it was loaded.  My father and brother hopped in the seat and went outside.  I realized I did not see them around after some time.  I walked between two sides of the building to doors there watching for them.  

Thursday, August 11, 2011

We better get going then - Whale Surfing

We Better Get Going Then

I was being chased and I had hoped on to a bike and was ready to roll off and my uncle hoped on behind me as I was saying into the wind in front of me wow I was in trouble and my uncle said "well we better get going then."

Whale Surfing

My wife and I along with a couple of others were in the ocean riding the waves on inner tubes and also body surfing.  It was very blue water and it was awesome to get to the top of a wave and look down and see 20 feet below.  It was a gorgeously brilliant blue sky and sunny all around.  Out of the blue came a tall bubble of water that I road in an adrenalin rushed moment.  I recall yelling out, "That was a whale" and then looking to my right where I did see a breaching Orca.  As I came back down to the bottom of the water indent that was created I had little time to ponder the situation and I was soon riding another bubble up.  This time I could see that there were three or four whales to my right not all Orca but Blues as well.

I heard one of the women that were out with us yelling to my wife that she was now fine and that my wife needed to now save the whales.  I meant this to mean that they had asked Barbara to use her healing powers to help our Whale visitors.  The rest of us headed for the beach.  I did not see my wife for quite some time and later I recall walking up beside what appeared to be a large aquarium glass and seeing my wife in the corner riding among a swirl of foaming water that appeared to have substance enough to be filling up the tank.  I told her that she had done what she needed to do and that now she had to get out.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The visitors

I was in a prairie grass valley.  This was our encampment which comprised of a half dozen buildings.   There were 25 or so others with me as well.  We had seen some very odd flying machines in the sky so we had started trying to make decisions about gathering together in safety.  There was one particular building that most of us decided to stay in and prepare what little defense we could muster.  There were some others that sought solitude in various cubby holes in the buildings and throughout the valley. 

This building was one large room with windows which we attempted to close off. There were long lunchroom tables which we kept in one part of the room together and I recall taking a nap on top of one of the tables.  My mother was in the room also and we sat together.  Later there were wild lights in the valley and nearby where we were at, they were flashing at odds with a series of oddly mechanical sounds. 

We began to see green rubbery like tendrils start at the top of the window and then slowly unroll their finger-like appendages down the windows until the entire window looked like it had a green lacy fringe. We were all scared but we had little in order of defense, we tried to make ourselves small and some in pathetic bravado took shovels and swung them at the windows. After a time the lights, sounds and appendages left leaving us alone with our fears and worries.

A few of us began to venture cautious peeks out the doors and windows and then slow unsure steps outside. It appeared that we were again alone. Slowly life in our camp began to come back to normal. Then we noticed that high in the skies, nearly at visions bounds, we could see large bird-like creatures flying.  The flying creatures looked a lot like the pictures we have all seen of prehistoric predators, and that is certainly how they appeared, Had to be of significant size for us to have even a glimpse of them from that far away.  Again we were frightened, very frightened but without any defenses were at a loss how to handle the oddness that was unfolding before us. 

Many of us just remained outside as it appeared that if we were in danger we were outclassed as well and there was no reason to cower in the weak protection of a darkened room.  As late afternoon arrived everyone in camp was milling about fixing dinner and doing other chores while taking cautious looks into the sky where now the flying creatures were few and then gone completely.  I had started to hear rumors that there was a flying craft on the other side of the rim of the hill surrounding our valley. 

There were three of us, myself, my brother and another person in the camp that decided we could brave it and go and check out the craft. About half way there I started to wonder if I had it in me.  I was more frightened by far than any other time in my life. I started to drop behind my brother and let him hide me until I decided that I too was brave enough. 

On our way we had a fellow pass up on his way toward the camp and he would not look at us.  We asked him why and he said I would have until I saw them.  That did not at all make me feel better but we continued.  When we got to the craft it was transparent and we could see yellowish orange beings with odd protruding short appendages and folds of what to us looked like fat.  Brighter orange patches were spread among the writhing mass and I felt squeamish as if what I was seeing was not at all right in our universe and in no universe I could imagine.  It was frightening but more so it was upsetting to all senses and indeed didn't make sense.

I began to feel a tingle on my shoulder, a touch I suppose and it felt nice. This was a friendly touch, a touch of assurance.  As we all began to feel this touch or what I now considered communication we drew more at ease. After some time we each felt that we should go back to our camp and explain how we felt and that we did not anticipate ill will of any type. 

When we got back to the camp we walked into our building and I noticed small green flying creatures that looked a bit prehistoric.  They were on the floor but flattened either by some stress on their part or they had been killed.  I explained some of what we had found out in our travels.  At that time behind us came figures. First what appeared to be a masculine figure still in orange and yellow but far less unsettling and in a more compact blocky human like form with no odd appendages. Then a more feminine featured being came forward and came beside me and I swear as I write this that she acted enamored with me. She stood so near it was hard to not believe what I was picking up. I saw what appeared to be a smile or the close resemblance of a smile and I felt a warmth come over me.

After some time two of us began to explain to our camp that it appeared that all they really needed was some linoleum that we had and we began to run a loading chain and gathered up a large amount for them.

Monday, August 8, 2011

A visit to a Mountain Cabine

My wife and I went to visit my brother-in-law's friend in the mountains.  My brother-in0law was supposed to be there so my wife and I wanted to join them.  We got to the mountain and walked up from where we parked to a cabin that was up a hill. The cabin sat at the bottom of a very snowy pretty mountain.  It was spring so it was still chilly but very gorgeous.

My wife and I were in the yard and there were two picnic tables we were told that my brother-in-law's friend had made. They were made of steel cable attached to one end of the table and then coiled away in half loops until reaching the end about 20 feet away.

We joined the others inside and the scene changed to my wife and I visiting her Dad's second wife and their family.  My wife sat on one side of a couch and the 2nd wife on the other.  In the middle was a younger person.  I was sitting on an ottoman in front of the couch and leaned over to put my head in the lap of the younger person and asked if it was OK.  She said yes it is.  I laid there and we all chatted.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Three Dreams about Family

I dreamed about three of my family one that is dead and two that are alive.  The first was my uncle Martin who is dead.  I remember hanging out with him and I ran up behind him and gave him a hug around his middle as if I were a kid and said it was good that he was around again.  Also he was cleaning pits of pitch or something from a long bladed knife.  My Unvle was always very good with his hands and this was being done in the care that he always took care of things.

The next was a dream where I was protecting my older brother.  I don’t recall anything beyond the fact that I was sticking up for him.

The next was a dream about my father.  He was very ill.  I had gone into his bedroom at one point and visited with him and I lay down beside him as he had said he wanted someone to lay with him.   I also recall that he had sat up at one point and had a black spot on the back of his hand about the size of two quarters in size.  I did not know what it was but I felt it was malignant.  I remember thinking that it was not healing.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Vat

I was looking directly at the "Vat".  There were five channels of water about 20 yards long.  On each of the channels end leaning up against the wall of the channel was a human like growth but partly unformed and in most cases deformed.  On one channel were two figures leaning up against the wall.  One was a large headed humanoid head that was working to keep its head above water as the pond flowed with windblown waves.  Below the water line was another figure popping up for a mere moment and then back down under the water. Eventually I could see that the one under the water ceased movement.The pond raised and the last I saw as I looked away was that big head was fast losing his ability to keep above water and I was certain would soon go under forever.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Jumping out windows and the target zone

My brother, my sister, my wife and I were hanging out on a vacation.  I remembered speaking with my brother about if every one of us in the family could do what we knew to do and we did it well we would all move forward.  My brother had contacts and all the others of us had other skills that could all combine to make a whole.

Then things turned into something different.  I was with a past girlfriend and we came to a large place with a lot of halls and rooms.  We were watching a late night movie but also we were the movie.  As it went forward we were doing everything in the movie.  We were watching the movie and I would find myself going to sleep and I slept in various odd places, a bathtub and up against a wall.  The girl was next to me and we were holding hands on one occasion.  There were a bunch of people in one movie that were like they were getting brain-washed.  Occasionally one of the people would do something shocking such as kill themselves.

Everyone at one point jumped out a windows and everyone would fly down in the exact same arc, intentionally aiming themselves at a target and every one of them would smash there one after the other.   Others would take off from steps leading into a building and yet they would still take the same angle and smash in the same targeted zone.  Always they would land head first.  The movie we were watching was warning us to watch for trouble.  The girl I was with started pushing me away and was accusing me of turning against her.  After that they were trying to talk a lot of people on our floor to jump down into the pool below.  They tried to convince us that it was OK but people would jump, they would land in the pool and yet they would still fly off at the same exact angle and hit the spot where their heads would smash with the impact.  I would not go.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Battle

I had a gun and I was one of many with them.  We were shooting each other.  We were in a very large building with many doorways, rooms, stairs and halls.  There was one extremely large room with obstructions that could be used to hide.  I did not see anyone die that got hit but it was a very serious atmosphere.  Apparently the consequences were grave although I did not see anyone die.  It was difficult because there were some that were more like zombies than others. They had stamina, and one mindedly went after their prey.  If you angered them they redoubled their efforts and I had the misfortune of doing just that along the way.

I had also laid down my share or bullets.  At one time I was in a room with a lady that was standing guard up high on a perch.  I was speaking with her as we had a truce between us and I laughed at her attitude as shown to others.  She was a hard individual when she needed to be.  At another time I was sitting in a large room on a bench beside a couple of others. I was relatively safe on the bench.  Everyone had left but one armed guy and I and I was not sure if I got up to leave that I wouldn’t be shot.  I did not want to make the move but as I continued speaking with my comrade in arms I felt more comfortable that I was ok to get up and go and I did.

At another time I was in a large hall of people and my aunt walked by going the other direction.  It was difficult to stop but I told the companion that I was with that it was my aunt and I stopped and went to her.  She was very loving but not completely with it, she looked tired.  Another time I was going through a large room and in the floor sunken in a hole were two people.  One had his head sticking out and a hole cut in the flooring just around his neck so that it would come through the floor.  There was a rectangle metal compartment around that.  The other fellow had the same set up but with an additional small hole in the floor.  I knew that I could get free points from them and shot each of them four times.  It looked like metal balls was my ammunition and I missed one of my shots on the second fellow on my quick path by them.