Friday, December 31, 2010

Sea Mammal Operation - Pickup Threat

Sea Mammal Operation

Two ladies were working on a strange project. They were in a kitchen with a refrigerator and plenty of counter space. One lady was at the counter with a sea mammal similar to an otter but a bit smaller. She was getting it ready for the intended operation. Another lady got into the freezer and got out a piece of cardboard that had tacked to it another sea mammal of the same type. They thawed out the frozen one and were preparing it to be used in the operation coming.

Pickup Threat

There were a few people that I was hanging out with in an open air building with just a roof. There was a large pickup parked near us that I happened to walk around. I walked along its large black back and around the side towards the front. There was another fellow that I saw that had come to the front from the other side. I had not reached the front but could see it from my view. I noticed the man that had reached the front from the other side started choking. I then heard his gasps as I saw smoke leaking out of cracks created in his throat as it continued to bulge. The lump continued to grow and then it blew wide open, smoke and blood aerosol and tissue flying. I felt, no I knew that the truck was responsible and I was fearful.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Life Machine - Aerosol Changes

The Life Machine

My brother, my niece and I were responsible for bringing to life a patient. The patient was in the middle of a long machine. It was about 40 yards long. It was a machine with a metal bed that the patient laid on and then a large sophisticated bulging box like contraption on the left side. The machine in total may have reminded those familiar with lumber manufacturing of a lumber planer.

I was to give the command and my brother and niece were to coordinate and follow through with tripping the switch. The far end of the machine from me was where the trigger was. I gave the command and the machine was triggered.

Aerosol Changes

My brother-in-law and I along with a bunch of other guys piled into the cab and back of a pickup and headed to another man’s house. We were going there for my brother-in-law to talk to the man about using his metal fabricating skills to build a part of a device we were building that was to be a weapon.

While we were there my brother-in-law paced around a bit and wandered over by a cedar fence where a fine aerosol mist came over the fence and partially landed on him. It wasn’t even enough for him to notice. Eventually we finished our business and piled into the pickup and took off again. We got back to a house and got out. A moment later a man said, “Where’s your brother-in-law?” We looked around and saw on the ground his head and chest but where his lower body and appendages were was a fine, sawdust textured dust and a chunk or two of bone. As we looked on we saw his head and chest turned into a wooden caricature of his fleshy self.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

One Man at the Door and Three on the Tube

Barbara and I were living in our first house. I came home through the side door and Barbara was at the front door talking to a man that was standing outside. It was a nice sunny day and sunshine was creeping in around the man and into the house. The man looked to be in his mid 40s and was holding a piece of paper. He was talking to Barbara about taking the piece of paper to a certain city and location. Barbara was saying to him that he should not take it there saying that it was a bad place and bad things would happen. The man was trying to get Barbara to let him in the house and she was saying no to him and trying to use a sort of stubborn logic with the man that she would not because the place he wanted to take the paper was a bad place and that he should be thinking about good places and good things that could happen.

Eventually because of my discomfort of the situation I told the man to leave and I closed the gate behind him and then closed the doors to the house. Barbara went into the bedroom and started watching TV and I started watching TV in the living room. The movie we were watching was the same and it was about a women who was telling three other women she would not hang out with them and also in the movie was a man in the woman’s life and he was saying no to hanging out with three men.

While I was watching the television the gates were constantly coming open as they were not sturdy and I kept closing them and then going back into the house. I was still very uncomfortable with the conversation that had been taking place and I was peeking out the drapes to make certain that the man did not come back. On one of the occasions that I was looking out the drapes I saw the man on the back of a truck in an awkward position. It appeared as if some friends were able to drag him part way on the back and left the man there. I saw another two men and three women get into the truck and they all left.

On the television the three men and women had awoken on a new day and each at their horror could see in the mirror they had changed into a horrible monster with misshapen faces and one with stubby, ugly horns.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bedroom to the Hall - Energy of the Fish - The Prancing Hand

Bedroom to the Hall

I went from the bed through our bedroom door and out into the hallway. Was in a bit of a hurry was a little frightened. Got to the hallway and flipped the hallway light on and it did not come on. Flipped the office light on across the hallway and it did not come on. I thought the power might be out but immediately found that was wrong as my computer was on. I took this trip three times back to back.

Energy of the Fish

An older wrinkled man was teaching me how to draw energy. He would go by the docks and go by buckets of fish that fisherman would have and would hold out his hands and draw up the energy to use for his own body.

The Prancing Hand

Barbara my wife was in bed but sort of sitting up and there was a hand separate of anybody that was sort of prancing around nearby. This was actually the hand of my carpool buddy that I go to work with. I was sitting on the other side of the bed and wanted to swat it as it was a bit revolting and my wife wanted to pet it and treat it kindly.

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Fighter

A young boxer had called up a fellow telling him that he wanted to talk to him, that he was on the way over. We could see that the man that had been called was in a combination of a boardroom type office and an electronics switchboard. When he hung up the phone the fellow that was in the office punched up a number on his phone and said you need to get over here. The person on the other end assured him that he would be right over. We don’t get a good idea who the person is.

Cut to a scene where the young black boxer comes walking into the office/switchboard. He says, “We need to talk.”

Cut to a television picture of a boxing ring. It appears to be before a fight and one father and his younger daughter have been selected to receive a gratuity. The announcer holds the extended microphone and says a few words and then cut back to the father-daughter team. They were outside of the ring, near a corner and each had their hands behind their backs. At this point the girl arches her body sideways and makes an understandably weak throw tossing something white from her hands behind her back to the middle of the ring. There was some applause and we cut back to the office.

With an accusatory tone the fighter continues with his reasons for the meeting, “I know the deal you have made with those judges.”

At this time we cut to the car where the help is on its way that was called for earlier. But it’s a surprising odd bunch. It’s an older large car brownish in color. There is a large, middle-aged black women driving with the appearance of an Eddy Murphy or Martin Lawrence character and several out of order children throwing things at each other and yelling. We hear the voice of the office/switchboard fellow, “You better be comin'” And the answer we hear coming from the driver is, “yea, we comin’, yea you better believe it, we comin'.”

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Lockdown Planet

I was in a lockdown environment but it wasn’t a prison it was more like a planet. The location I was locked down to could be dangerous. The main place we lived was like a large mall. And there were devices that you wanted to be able to use that were referred to as a clicker. These devices would do a lot for you. One such thing is that they could help you communicate with the fantasies (will explain later). They would also help normal daily duties. There were many of them and were for anyone and everyone’s use but were often gathered up and kept by people or lost and were not available.

I was saying goodbye to a dear friend and was writing out on a hand-held white board, “Thank you for your support” and explained that it meant the world to me. I was speaking with a dark haired lady that was Julie Louis Dreyfus. She had tears in her eyes and as I wrote she would force herself to look at the board though she did not want to and would glance away in tears.

At one point I was sitting on a couch in our living quarters and a lady approached me that had a camel in tow and she wanted me to pet the camel. The camel’s head leaned over to see me and I started giving him some attention. I loved it, the camel was obviously friendly and very nice. I would then have to hold back the camel from crawling on my lap and I was speaking out loud, “Yes, you would crawl all the way up if I would let you wouldn’t you?”

However inside this place there were cliques and fighting and deaths. There were those that stayed out of the fray and there were those that felt the pain. And there were far too many innocents that also paid the price. I was fairly new. I lived as I could.

I tried to leave our living place and go down to the beaches and went on the road to get there but about half way the residents of the fantasy cities, that resided on the hilltops on the left of me, would mess with me and send me into fantasy worlds. I could not stop it as I did not have a clicker to negotiate. I later complained about wanting to be able to make it to the beaches and forest and the fact that I had no clicker. Marion Ross offered me a vest that had a hidden pouch in the back that I could then stash away a clicker when I was able to gather one up.

There was another place in our living quarters that was used by some individuals that were stayed mostly in the dark. They had a huge room with electronic equipment for video and such that led and light displays would glow. They hung around on huge room-sized bean-bag cushions. The floors however were cement, litter and dirt covered and cold. The inhabitants had laptops and would site cross legged and compute. There seemed to be more going on than pleasure but was not certain what it might be. It seemed that it may have been more than work as well, it seemed to have a very important purpose.

On another occasion I was told to go outside and get one of the scooters that we also used. They looked much like a garage mechanic’s roll cart. I had driven outside with a car and down a road to a place on the roadway where a train was on the right side. And along the highway was a cart on the ground and a fellow there. I threw the cart in the hatchback of the car and intended to take it back with me. I talked with him and took the cart but somehow he still had a cart and he put it on the train tracks and took off. It seemed to me that the cart was a highway and train cart.

I was in our living mall and one man a bit frantic with purpose was attempting by aggressive persuasion to have me join into a conspiracy of murder. The man to be murdered walked into a restroom privacy lounge and my persuader followed in behind him and went to his hands and knees on the floor to get an idea who was in the room. I was behind him but started walking away and out into the bigger room a down the hall. I did not want to be a part of this and it scared the hell out of me but at this juncture I did follow him as I was afraid of the consequences if I did not. Our brief conspiracy ended when the man came out and said that the one to be killed must have walked on past the restroom. This seemed to stop this occasion. I remember at this time flashing to when a new policeman joined a department and on a street outside of a deli other officers were posing the question to the man, “Are you on your own or are you Blue?” and the young cop answered, “Blue.” This officer was Boscoe from the TV show “Third Watch”.

At another occasion I enquired as to the mechanisms of my surroundings. I could see the cliques and death and so on but could not tell what the flow was, who was after whom and what revenges and aspirations were at play. At that time a couple of people went to a blackboard and started writing names and associating them with places and wanted me desperately to look at that. No talking and I felt they could not talk because of having no voices. I did get the message that these were loved ones that had been killed, wives and family. Others were pointing out to me people that were walking by and how one lady was a certain nationality and that this nationality had a war going with another.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Odd Platter - Tree Swimming

Odd Platter

My mother, father and I were at a restaurant and just received a huge platter of food to dig into. This was served on a large metal platter and came out piping hot. On the left side was a huge mound of vegetables; tomatoes, onions, peppers, squash, mushrooms, and more. On the top was a great green mound of fresh broccoli which my mother started to fork a bite of.

On the other side of the platter was a decidedly different sort of food source. There were tiny little human figures. Some of them had flesh and others were merely bone. They all fit on the platter. There size slightly different but somewhere around 6 inches in length and an inch and a half wide. They all seemed to be quite skinny.

Tree Swimming

The room was large with hardwood floors and very nice large windows on one side. It was Christmas and a man was doing some lighting for the several trees that were spaced at intervals in front of the windows. He was on a ladder and at one tree he glanced out the picture window nearby and, at a glance, thought there was a body hanging over a branch in the tree. At the next tree another glance and yes there was a body in that tree.

The stand of trees was all large evergreens and the stand was very densely populated. Branches of one tree intertwined with the next. The man went outside and once he had made it up a tree to about 15 feet in height the man literally started a swimming motion and was swimming horizontally across the stand of trees to move his way toward getting a better look at the body.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Very High Hat - Sawmill, Insurance and a Band of Horns

Very High Hat

Very High Hat

We were watching a funeral procession being led into a prison. There was a Crucifer, a person in the religious procession who carries a large cross. The procession was led by a man on a horse that we knew represented the great church. He was dressed in black except for the Miter on his head. The tall, pointed liturgical hat and it had a black cross on the front. However this hat had a really tall top, it continued to rise and rise and rise to the height of about 20 feet. There in its glory was the white top with a black cross on it.

Sawmill, Insurance and a Band of Horns

I was worked in a saw mill but also I was an insurance salesman. I was trying to do a bit of both. That irritated me a bit because of the expectations but continued to do it. I was on the second story or a two-story sawmill. I was helping to keep timber straight on their way through the mill on the large metal rollers that was passing it from one process to another. A bit later in this day we had a rock band playing downstairs in a concert and we could see on the stairs behind the mill that there was several band members of another band waiting there one of them with a trumpet in his hand. About that time they walked down the stairs and on to the platform below to play. Many of us upstairs began moving towards the front of our floor to find a good viewing position. As I was moving myself along I was stirring up sawdust and chips where I walked. Those of us upstairs made so much noise that the band downstairs stopped for a bit asking us to quiet down.

This was a band that had guitars, drums bass and at least five horns. The band lead at that time explained to us that they were a cover band for a long time and felt bad when they heard other bands playing songs they had written themselves so they began to write as well. They then broke out into a song much of which featured horns blowing awesome blending harmonies.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The House and Rain

I was in a house that was on a peninsula very near the ocean. It was only a matter of feet to the actual ocean itself. I found myself looking through a large plate glass window pointing toward the ocean and the rain was coming down in sheets. It was so heavy that you could not see anything but rain and water running down the window.

I was among a bunch of other people. It was not long after that that I became more and more uncomfortable. I was the one being spoken too when the gentleman said, "look at that rain, something uh?" However the focus was all on me. This wasn't a household that I knew; in fact this was not a place where I was voluntarily. I was being held against my will. I wanted out!

I went outside and realized when looking for a way to escape that I was surrounded by ocean and, with the storm that was pounding the area, a large mean ocean. I finally found one set of buildings that I could go into.

There was a flat freezer on the floor outside of the building and there was a fellow there that I felt was intending on blocking me from leaving. I strangled him and it took a bit of time with him struggling for breath but soon was done.

I went inside the building and the leader of this household came in. There was a big plywood table and underneath it on a shelf were three big fish tanks. The fellow was showing me that in two of the tanks were fish being grown. He said, "lets see if we can create some more. He squirted a mechanism into another tank. I spoke to him saying, "You’re holding me against my will, why?" He replied, "Someday we would want you to enjoy and understand."

I then started out and down from the building into a long stretching shoreline community of businesses. I had to go down a hill from this place and down into the businesses. There was a mechanic garage that I went in the back and then dropped down through a hole and lowered myself down into the bottom story of the business. This was a car dealership. I went forward where several people were sitting on bench seats and others were milling about and I started to tell the story to the folks there about how I was being held against my will. I then realized when looking into the eyes of the folks that there were two women there that also had to do with the house I was escaping. I started leaving the business and one fellow on a cushion beside me in a dimmer lit area of the business looked to me like he had ill will toward me and I took out a pistol, pointed it at him and clicked off a round. At that time I sort of laughed it off but pulled back and put in a bullet into the chamber for real. I then lowered it to within inches of his neck and shot another round. This time an internal chamber came drooping out of the barrel which I then let him grab. I then took off again.

I took off out of that business and was going down by some railroad tracks and on a higher left bank was walking a couple of people, one I recognized. This fellow had dark black skin and went by the name Simreht. I had worked with him. We hooked up and started walking out together out of this area but they would not stay with me and we got separated.

Eventually I was picked up in a small white car. The driver was Steve and old college chum and then another passenger. We were driving down and out of the area. Steve had to stop to talk to some of his men that were heavy equipment operators. I remember asking him how he got out of the wimp work that he used to do (janitorial) and into this job.

I don't recall what came next but this did not become my way out of the valley.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Extreme Waves

I was living with my mother. We had just purchased a new home. It was a very nice home that was reasonably large sitting on quite a hill. The house had a large sturdy window at the back where there was an ocean view from a large living room on the back side. There was a bath and bedroom, kitchen, dining room and a storage closet. A second story also had another large window facing toward the view. This level also had two bedrooms that were on what was the front side of the home and away from view. The floor plan was basic but did what it needed to do to allow the view and comfortable living.

I was in the living room on the lower floor hanging out. The weather was stormy so I was set to be inside for the day. I could see the water was choppy and the trees were blowing. A bit later I could hear the wind build and slowly reach a howl and the trees began to whip from side to side. The window view showed the water was at a churn and the waves were building size. It was quite a storm I thought. The storm steadily built and was now a monster.
I could see now the waves were very large probably in the 15 foot range and it was concerning. I now had others in the room looking at the storm and we were very near the ocean; in fact it seemed I was so near the water that it broke against the house and the waves were steadily issuing a beating. Now the waves were monster in height and carried that height throughout the breadth of what I could see side to side.

I was now in the company of others. There were maybe fifteen of us milling around in the room and all concerned at the thrashing the waves were giving the window. The window had been built to withstand hurricane winds but I and I could tell all the others were fearful it wasn't strong enough. In between each wave that forced its way in and crashed against the window I could see the waves now even larger I guessed maybe in the unbelievable range of 25 feet and now when they hit the window gasps could be heard and the window seemed to bow inward. I was now completely alarmed and could hear in the voices of the others that they too were frightened. Wave after wave whooshed and slammed. Each wave hitting was another pummel against the glass with some in the room registering that we had made it by another and then voicing it. The waves had nearly covered the window now but in the brief interim between them I could see they were now absolutely demolishing record book heights. I didn't even have time to really think about this when a wave hit and a crack rung out and then a two foot sized hole opened up in the window. This I could hear had made an impression and everyone in the room including me ran up the near spiral staircase to the upper floor. There too the window overlooked the madness that was the ocean and when I looked at it I was absolutely terrified. The waves were so implausibly large that to believe an alien life form was beside me would have been easier to believe than what I saw before me.

The waves had now reached this floor and were nearing the top. The water from the lower floor was in the short time of my climb already at my feet. Now my focus changed and I was on a ship and it was the ship that was taking the beating. I climbed yet another floor higher. I held tight as I was tossed around. I was certain now I would give my life to this water but it was not to be. I was at the very tail of the ship now and as one wave through us backward our ship barely reached another solid landing. Not even knowing what it was I was hurdling to I leaped and made the solid mass.

I found myself in the middle of a city, a bustling kinetic city. A city that had no concern of a storm or a wave. A city where not a single soul shared my fright or even noticed me or I guess if they did it was not something they registered for long.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Beach House

I was in a house that was on a peninsula very near the ocean. It was only a matter of feet to the actual ocean itself. I found myself looking through a large plate glass window pointing toward the ocean and the rain was coming down in sheets. It was so heavy that you could not see anything but rain and water running down the window.

I was among a bunch of other people. It was not long after that that I became more and more uncomfortable. I was the one being spoken too when the gentleman said, "look at that rain, something uh?" However the focus was all on me. This wasn't a household that I knew; in fact this was not a place where I was voluntarily. I was being held against my will. I wanted out!

I went outside and realized when looking for a way to escape that I was surrounded by ocean and, with the storm that was pounding the area, a large mean ocean. I finally found one set of buildings that I could go into.

There was a flat freezer on the floor outside of the building and there was a fellow there that I felt was intending on blocking me from leaving. I strangled him and it took a bit of time with him struggling for breath but soon was done.

I went inside the building and the leader of this household came in. There was a big plywood table and underneath it on a shelf were three big fish tanks. The fellow was showing me that in two of the tanks were fish being grown. He said, "let's see if we can create some more. He squirted a mechanism into another tank. I spoke to him saying, "You’re holding me against my will, why?" He replied, "Someday we would want you to enjoy and understand."

I then started out and down from the building into a long stretching shoreline community of businesses. I had to go down a hill from this place and down into the businesses. There was a mechanic garage that I went in the back and then dropped down through a hole and lowered myself down into the bottom story of the business. This was a car dealership. I went forward where several people were sitting on bench seats and others were milling about and I started to tell the story to the folks there about how I was being held against my will. I then realized when looking into the eyes of the folks that there were two women there that also had to do with the house I was escaping. I started leaving the business and one fellow on a cushion beside me in a dimmer lit area of the business looked to me like he had ill will toward me and I took out a pistol, pointed it at him and clicked off a round. At that time I sort of laughed it off but pulled back and put in a bullet into the chamber for real. I then lowered it to within inches of his neck and shot another round. This time an internal chamber came drooping out of the barrel which I then let him grab. I then took off again.

I took off out of that business and was going down by some railroad tracks and on a higher left bank was walking a couple of people, one I recognized. This fellow had dark black skin and went by the name Simreht. I had worked with him. We hooked up and started walking out together out of this area but they would not stay with me and we got separated.

Eventually I was picked up in a small white car. The driver was Steve and old college chum and then another passenger. We were driving down and out of the area. Steve had to stop to talk to some of his men that were heavy equipment operators. I remember asking him how he got out of the wimp work that he used to do (janitorial) and into this job.

I don't recall what came next but this did not become my way out of the valley.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Jump Fish

A lady was sitting on a small wooden platform that was stretched across a running stream. She was lining fish up along side of her. This was a trick of sorts. All of the fish would be lined up together next to her. What would happen is one fish or another would slide off of the platform and go into the water. It would then swim back around to the back of the lady and she would reach into the water and line it up on the platform again.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


One lady high on top of a mountain jumped down what was a sheer rock slope that was very high. It was a slick shale surface that one could slide on and that is what the lady did. She slid a very long distance on that mountain face and then it dropped off and was a far fall from that point to the ground and below. She fell and knocked off the edge of another cliff the enemy that we were negotiating with. They all fell to their death.


We were in a house getting ready to take off the next morning into the hillsides around us. There we would try to hide from the German invaders and survive. I had a clasping backgammon board that I was putting some very bug bitten apples, fudge brownies and other pastries into to take with me. I wanted to carry food in case things got very bad but also needed to keep the weight I would carry down as much as possible. Before we could take off the next day, that evening we were surrounded by Germans and at that time following our leader's example we threw our arms on to the floor of the living room and surrendered.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Snow Descent - Those in Metal Tubs

Snow Descent

We were at the top of a building looking down over the side. There was another short wing on each side as well. However we could not see the bottom as the entire side was nothing but snow. In fact one could jump and only feet away would land in the first of the snow.

I was alongside several other men. The aim today was to take a risky ride down to the bottom via the snow. I was not at all experienced in this. The others were. I watched as the gentlemen before me yelled out to each other across the expanse of the building and then jumped into the snow. They had providentially communicated the tactics for today’s attempt, unfortunately for me it was in another language that I heard someone else say was "Vienne". I could see from the man closest to me that he jumped straight down parallel to the side of the wall and then when the snow stopped him he would use a swimming motion and drop another few feet. At the risk of being left behind I jumped in and started making my descent. I had jumped in the channel created by the fellow I had been watching. Later I thanked him for helping me make this attempt.

Those in Metal Tubs

I walked by a series of metal tubs sitting on the floor. The tubs were round and about five feet in diameter. Inside the tub were white skinned naked people. Some were having playful sex, others were sitting back in the tubs and others were under the water obviously drowned. The tubs were not relaxing hot tubs they were stark corrugated metal.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The crime, the magnificent complex and the maniacal

We were gathered in the condo of one of my neighbors. We were discussing security options as we had the most awful thing happen the day before and we felt the need to come together and make plans for the future of our well being. We were in the living room and were sitting and prone on the two couches and the many posh, all in white overstuffed chairs. We started our discussion. There was much talking over one another so a small piece of paper was held by my father and he would keep track of how many times each of us had talked which he dutifully kept tally. I must admit I am one of those trying to jump turn. Several times my father would shush me. The condo was primarily of three sides. One side was solid and nearby at an angle to the right of the wall was the door. Next to the solid wall was a long stretch of glass enclosed wall some 20 feet long. The only lack of glass was an exquisitely carved fireplace near the middle. Two-Thirds of the wall overlooked a grand cement walkway up a corridor of cement accented in green that moved on an incline of step from left to the right. Along the walkway was many patterns of squares built out of cement making up sides to the walkway that were quite high. Everywhere you looked up that pathway were angles upon angles. One would think that cement would be unattractive but this was incredibly desirable. It was impressive in size, scope and in the clean cut of every feature. The condo also had at the far end of the glass wall a view of a huge ocean inlet, a blue jewel with rolling waves. Abutting the long stretch of glass was a shorter wall continuing the look out over the ocean. At the very edge of the water was a natural reed and grass bank.

The owners of this condo complex had outlined some general security steps which gave us a starting point to the discussion but now those seemed feeble to us all and questions of how we could be proactive in making sure something didn't happen was now the topic of choice. I had been on the couch and was weighted down by other members of the group as I reclined my position. A large barrel-chested black man that I had a great affection for was next to speak. He had a charming personality and inviting nature but was also a stronger personality and he had decided it was high time for him to speak. The discussion had broken down into first who's place would we be going to and then what might we do to barricade ourselves. This did not sit well with the man and he spoke up in a strong voice. "If something happens we will come here and then some of us guys will get together and do what we call some manly shit!" At this the man reached to me for a palm slap which I was more than happy to give him.

This quieted down the conversation for a bit but a few people needed to make points they thought so once again we were in discussion and most eager to talk over each other. I barged into the conversation when I had half a chance and began to tell them what I had seen the evening before. I had been in our place and had been looking across the long wide walk up the middle of the condo suites and had seen what at first looked like people in a hurry walking around and then in a nearby coffee room that had been given to the owners of the condos. Then it seemed like someone had entered the room and as I watched the activity I felt urgency in the movements I was seeing. Then as I spoke, "...and then all of a sudden, Boom." They knew that I had heard the shot that had been fired that evening or even so much as to seen the shot. Others began to take this account and turn it into another of the discussions.

I went over into the corner where the picturesque view the ocean could be seen and stood there with my father. I was looking out paying little attention to the discussion when I began to see that the waves had grown larger and were now churning in activity. I then looked at the reed and grass at the ocean's edge and saw a flutter of activity. I turned to my father, "Look at that!" My father turned toward the view and I saw his face had began to go through a series of emotions that I knew were a mirror of my own and read something like; this is strange, it never happens and even if it did it doesn't look right. At that time as we both looked on and just past the grasses we could see people walking up our way. In fact to follow sight back to the ocean's edge these people were the activity we had seen there. We followed their walk's progress we could see others all along the walk come out of each side to join them in the middle. Up ahead of them we could see others walking to the center walkway and would soon join the growing ranks of people. As my eyes panned upward and to the right I could hear our room had quieted and that they too were looking out at the progression of walkers. As the walkers and my eyes had nearly reached the high point of the walkway we could see a door open in the corner of the cement wall many floors above the pathway. It was at the adjoining of the wall so it would naturally guide attention to it as a central towering and awe inspiring aperture in the masses of cement.

In the doorway were two men holding another man in between them and a speaker that had come even with them on one side. Others could be seen behind. The speaker began to tell us that this was the man from the evening before something we had began to assume before we were told. They told us that the man was disturbed.
At this time I found myself inside the room with the man being held. This was a large room. A room that spoke of sincerity and purpose. There were people gathered around a great circular depression in the room. This was a enclosed cement coliseum. Many cement steps lead down to a center far below. There was ample room for the man being held, the speaker and the large entourage. I was a spectator. Two men hoisted the man in binds and pulled his hands higher in the air between them. Looking all the world as if showing a hunter's catch to his people.

My viewpoint had changed now and I was at the top of the steps leading down into the sobering center below. There I saw the spokesman, the captive, the henchmen and the entourage with eager, maniacal looking faces accentuated even the more for the surroundings of the perfectly bleached perfection of the cement all around. The captured man began to talk, or actually a form of pleading and mewing which I knew meant nothing to the many faces that surrounded him. In response the men at his arms shook him and made it certain that the man too knew what I had already known. It was not long before the man was placed face up in the floor and was then strapped arms and legs to a separate binder held in the un-giving cement of the floor. A console come out of a hole in the floor to reach perfect height for the man that had walked out to take it's controls. This man was eager to do his job apparent in his eager, swaggering step. He knew that time neared. A bit of glistening sweat and spittle at the mouth was a telltale sign that his step was not in jest.

Our conductor for the day, as I could think of no other equivalence started to knead the controls very softly at first and the captive in the floor began to stretch at the corners just the slightest. He began to try a stretch at the right arm and left leg and screams registered the pain that had been felt. Our conductor then stretched the other combination of leg and arm just to show his since of symmetry. The show now was a mixing bowl of movement as prods from the underside of the man and then hooks coming in at the side were worked with equal joy as the arm and leg stretching had been. In my mind I saw a frothing monster of a man covered in sweat and spittle acting as if a truly demented joker in his own singular Batman film and a senseless lump of a man on the floor the unfortunate recipient.

Sawmill Tallies and rushed actions

I was working in a sawmill. There was another company that worked on the other side of the large complex and they too were a sawmill. I was given the task of going to that side of the complex and taking a tally of the lumber they had that was ours that we were now moving away. I believe that the company had plans on buying us out and when I went there to tally they did not like me doing any of my work without one of their people being able to see me. I had to go into a large warehouse that was mostly being unused by their people except for various stacks of supplies scattered at random. The warehouse was open on both ends but unlit so when I went in there I could see from the bright sunlight that filtered inside but it was a dimmed light.

I was looking for a particular stack of lumber that was bound in metal bands. I started wandering the shed and a foremen of the side came in and asked me what I was doing. I told him and he said well let me have this man help you out. He left and the other man in his actions I could tell wanted me to finish my business and leave. I found a stack of our lumber and could not find an appropriate way to take it back with me and I now was pressured by the man's fidgeting to come up with a solution as quickly as I was able. I did not really take time to think things rationally but acted. I saw a dirty refrigerator that had been stored in the warehouse and I grabbed the stack of lumber and thrust it at and onto the side of the refrigerator. There the lumber stack changed its form and in changed form and extremely miniature it now stick to the side of the refrigerator. The only indication that anything was attached to the refrigerator was a miniature but ultimately realistic picture of the lumber as it had been.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Help the Fleeing

The town I was living in was under attack. There were troops of men flushing out those that lived there. Men, women and children running down the street, others grabbing cars and all were fleeing. I could see the chaos approaching and I too grabbed a car and fled. I made it to another small town and there I found a safe house. I could tell without a doubt that in this house I would be safe. I parked my car a short distance away and went into the house.

Upon entering I was given a spiral notebook with the expectations that I was to take this out into the day and find people and fill out information about them. I grabbed the notebook quickly and I went to the older man that was obviously, in my mind, in control. I pointed at my notebook and told him, ”I am not and will not take this notebook and fill out information. I will go out and help others. I refuse to not fill out information in some notebook for you." "I want to help but not in this fashion.” The fellow vigorously nodded his head OK and understood my passion and my plea. I then walked off and I noticed as I did the man started talking to his wife and I could tell they were rethinking the need for the notebook.

I went outside and motioned people inside that stood nearby and others that were running away. As people came in it was an awesome feeling because I knew that they were safe. I greeted many and high-fived a few.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fighting Zombies

We found ourselves in the middle of a huge zombie fight. We were in a large two-story home and had set ourselves up on the lower floor. There were various groups of us spread out from the left side to the right and all set up so that we can could all see the front door and know where each other were. The place had just earlier gotten rushed by dozens of shamblers. We did have guns and ammunition and we could all fight a close battle if we needed to. Shots started ringing out and one after the other the zombies would fall. But the sheer numbers of them gave us trouble and many got past us and were now behind us. I could see many of my fellow humans were in a fight for their lives in close combat while the rest of us tried keeping up with those we could shoot with a gun. This became harder and harder as the clearance we had between the doors and windows to our front and the fights that were steadily moving forward made it more dangerous to use guns. Not long after that were all in hand to hand combat. It was a melee of knives, groping ghouls and now stacks of guts, blood and pieces of flesh on the ground and nearly every surface that was close. We fought a long battle and finally were able to end it with the living victorious and without loss.

We checked on the children which were stashed out of the main area and they showed signs of being tough little kids! They knew what had happened and as near as I could tell had processed it and were now grateful to see the living souls that had put their lives on the line and more importantly that they loved and were very glad to see again.A bunch of us moved down the street that next day. We found a store front with a lot of glass, not a good thing, but looked very straight and clean inside. We walked in and saw others so we said hello and immediately started giving them kudos on how clean and nice the place was. It looked like the business was for lawn care. As we made our way left and around the first set of end caps selling odds and ends for the care and upkeep of equipment we saw that the humans inside had set up every 10 feet or so down a long store front business and they had all set up on the floor in the isles between the stands of items. We introduced ourselves and sat down on the farthest left isle before the wall. We could see that everyone was in good spirits and we made general talk. We had a fake piece of carpet where several men were on one side and several young women on the other. We could see through a fish tank the young women on the other side where they were playing with each other's hair. We continued discussion with the people we had met and among other things we told them of our children's brave day the day before. Our setup in this building was much the same as before with all of us at angles toward the door and the glass. This made sense as we could all yet again use our pistols and rifles as a front line of defense.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Day at School - Username – Password

A Day at School

I was at college and I was attempting to get a job in or for a certain professor. I had already proposed the salary that I would work for. On each day at the time that this class was to begin I would be in that class though I had another class I should have been in. On this day there was some time before class and I took a seat along with many other students. There were 24 chairs lined up in rows and then in front of that were a long wooden cabinet and then a railing like a white fence that went in a square that sat behind the cabinet. At one point a muscular fellow moved the cabinet to the left a few feet and later another moved it quite a ways to the right.

While waiting for class to begin I remained standing and milled around the room. Later I stood up by the cabinet and looked over the white railing behind it and saw many students sitting on the floor and on a couple of couches that were there. The teacher was discussing part of today’s lesson and eliciting responses from the students. One such student Keith Richards was discussing the attitudes of Christians and sinners made this response, “They cure the sinner.” The discussion was centered on a document that was in the hands of this class. The teacher, when asking for the thoughts of the students on a particular topic of discussion, put this forth in this way. He was waking about the room when saying, “The folks that let us hold on to this document to discuss, read, learn and possibly request changes.” Then he asked the question of his students. This discussion was surrounding two thoughts that were of equal weight but different and fighting for the same position of prestige. When putting this thought to the students the teacher, who at this point could be noticed as being Martin Sheen, walked about with a seawater crab on each of his hands and gnashing the claws of each together, asked a question of his students. “Does this mean I am to forever walk around with these being the same?” I remember that I wanted to answer that the difference was not the actual statement involved but the thought process that lead to either.”

Username – Password
I needed to remember a username and password to shut down and important computer system. The username was larryb and the password was champs Elise.