Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The House and Rain

I was in a house that was on a peninsula very near the ocean. It was only a matter of feet to the actual ocean itself. I found myself looking through a large plate glass window pointing toward the ocean and the rain was coming down in sheets. It was so heavy that you could not see anything but rain and water running down the window.

I was among a bunch of other people. It was not long after that that I became more and more uncomfortable. I was the one being spoken too when the gentleman said, "look at that rain, something uh?" However the focus was all on me. This wasn't a household that I knew; in fact this was not a place where I was voluntarily. I was being held against my will. I wanted out!

I went outside and realized when looking for a way to escape that I was surrounded by ocean and, with the storm that was pounding the area, a large mean ocean. I finally found one set of buildings that I could go into.

There was a flat freezer on the floor outside of the building and there was a fellow there that I felt was intending on blocking me from leaving. I strangled him and it took a bit of time with him struggling for breath but soon was done.

I went inside the building and the leader of this household came in. There was a big plywood table and underneath it on a shelf were three big fish tanks. The fellow was showing me that in two of the tanks were fish being grown. He said, "lets see if we can create some more. He squirted a mechanism into another tank. I spoke to him saying, "You’re holding me against my will, why?" He replied, "Someday we would want you to enjoy and understand."

I then started out and down from the building into a long stretching shoreline community of businesses. I had to go down a hill from this place and down into the businesses. There was a mechanic garage that I went in the back and then dropped down through a hole and lowered myself down into the bottom story of the business. This was a car dealership. I went forward where several people were sitting on bench seats and others were milling about and I started to tell the story to the folks there about how I was being held against my will. I then realized when looking into the eyes of the folks that there were two women there that also had to do with the house I was escaping. I started leaving the business and one fellow on a cushion beside me in a dimmer lit area of the business looked to me like he had ill will toward me and I took out a pistol, pointed it at him and clicked off a round. At that time I sort of laughed it off but pulled back and put in a bullet into the chamber for real. I then lowered it to within inches of his neck and shot another round. This time an internal chamber came drooping out of the barrel which I then let him grab. I then took off again.

I took off out of that business and was going down by some railroad tracks and on a higher left bank was walking a couple of people, one I recognized. This fellow had dark black skin and went by the name Simreht. I had worked with him. We hooked up and started walking out together out of this area but they would not stay with me and we got separated.

Eventually I was picked up in a small white car. The driver was Steve and old college chum and then another passenger. We were driving down and out of the area. Steve had to stop to talk to some of his men that were heavy equipment operators. I remember asking him how he got out of the wimp work that he used to do (janitorial) and into this job.

I don't recall what came next but this did not become my way out of the valley.

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