Friday, December 31, 2010

Sea Mammal Operation - Pickup Threat

Sea Mammal Operation

Two ladies were working on a strange project. They were in a kitchen with a refrigerator and plenty of counter space. One lady was at the counter with a sea mammal similar to an otter but a bit smaller. She was getting it ready for the intended operation. Another lady got into the freezer and got out a piece of cardboard that had tacked to it another sea mammal of the same type. They thawed out the frozen one and were preparing it to be used in the operation coming.

Pickup Threat

There were a few people that I was hanging out with in an open air building with just a roof. There was a large pickup parked near us that I happened to walk around. I walked along its large black back and around the side towards the front. There was another fellow that I saw that had come to the front from the other side. I had not reached the front but could see it from my view. I noticed the man that had reached the front from the other side started choking. I then heard his gasps as I saw smoke leaking out of cracks created in his throat as it continued to bulge. The lump continued to grow and then it blew wide open, smoke and blood aerosol and tissue flying. I felt, no I knew that the truck was responsible and I was fearful.

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