Sunday, December 5, 2010

Help the Fleeing

The town I was living in was under attack. There were troops of men flushing out those that lived there. Men, women and children running down the street, others grabbing cars and all were fleeing. I could see the chaos approaching and I too grabbed a car and fled. I made it to another small town and there I found a safe house. I could tell without a doubt that in this house I would be safe. I parked my car a short distance away and went into the house.

Upon entering I was given a spiral notebook with the expectations that I was to take this out into the day and find people and fill out information about them. I grabbed the notebook quickly and I went to the older man that was obviously, in my mind, in control. I pointed at my notebook and told him, ”I am not and will not take this notebook and fill out information. I will go out and help others. I refuse to not fill out information in some notebook for you." "I want to help but not in this fashion.” The fellow vigorously nodded his head OK and understood my passion and my plea. I then walked off and I noticed as I did the man started talking to his wife and I could tell they were rethinking the need for the notebook.

I went outside and motioned people inside that stood nearby and others that were running away. As people came in it was an awesome feeling because I knew that they were safe. I greeted many and high-fived a few.

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