Thursday, December 23, 2010

Odd Platter - Tree Swimming

Odd Platter

My mother, father and I were at a restaurant and just received a huge platter of food to dig into. This was served on a large metal platter and came out piping hot. On the left side was a huge mound of vegetables; tomatoes, onions, peppers, squash, mushrooms, and more. On the top was a great green mound of fresh broccoli which my mother started to fork a bite of.

On the other side of the platter was a decidedly different sort of food source. There were tiny little human figures. Some of them had flesh and others were merely bone. They all fit on the platter. There size slightly different but somewhere around 6 inches in length and an inch and a half wide. They all seemed to be quite skinny.

Tree Swimming

The room was large with hardwood floors and very nice large windows on one side. It was Christmas and a man was doing some lighting for the several trees that were spaced at intervals in front of the windows. He was on a ladder and at one tree he glanced out the picture window nearby and, at a glance, thought there was a body hanging over a branch in the tree. At the next tree another glance and yes there was a body in that tree.

The stand of trees was all large evergreens and the stand was very densely populated. Branches of one tree intertwined with the next. The man went outside and once he had made it up a tree to about 15 feet in height the man literally started a swimming motion and was swimming horizontally across the stand of trees to move his way toward getting a better look at the body.

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