Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Life Machine - Aerosol Changes

The Life Machine

My brother, my niece and I were responsible for bringing to life a patient. The patient was in the middle of a long machine. It was about 40 yards long. It was a machine with a metal bed that the patient laid on and then a large sophisticated bulging box like contraption on the left side. The machine in total may have reminded those familiar with lumber manufacturing of a lumber planer.

I was to give the command and my brother and niece were to coordinate and follow through with tripping the switch. The far end of the machine from me was where the trigger was. I gave the command and the machine was triggered.

Aerosol Changes

My brother-in-law and I along with a bunch of other guys piled into the cab and back of a pickup and headed to another man’s house. We were going there for my brother-in-law to talk to the man about using his metal fabricating skills to build a part of a device we were building that was to be a weapon.

While we were there my brother-in-law paced around a bit and wandered over by a cedar fence where a fine aerosol mist came over the fence and partially landed on him. It wasn’t even enough for him to notice. Eventually we finished our business and piled into the pickup and took off again. We got back to a house and got out. A moment later a man said, “Where’s your brother-in-law?” We looked around and saw on the ground his head and chest but where his lower body and appendages were was a fine, sawdust textured dust and a chunk or two of bone. As we looked on we saw his head and chest turned into a wooden caricature of his fleshy self.

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