Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fighting Zombies

We found ourselves in the middle of a huge zombie fight. We were in a large two-story home and had set ourselves up on the lower floor. There were various groups of us spread out from the left side to the right and all set up so that we can could all see the front door and know where each other were. The place had just earlier gotten rushed by dozens of shamblers. We did have guns and ammunition and we could all fight a close battle if we needed to. Shots started ringing out and one after the other the zombies would fall. But the sheer numbers of them gave us trouble and many got past us and were now behind us. I could see many of my fellow humans were in a fight for their lives in close combat while the rest of us tried keeping up with those we could shoot with a gun. This became harder and harder as the clearance we had between the doors and windows to our front and the fights that were steadily moving forward made it more dangerous to use guns. Not long after that were all in hand to hand combat. It was a melee of knives, groping ghouls and now stacks of guts, blood and pieces of flesh on the ground and nearly every surface that was close. We fought a long battle and finally were able to end it with the living victorious and without loss.

We checked on the children which were stashed out of the main area and they showed signs of being tough little kids! They knew what had happened and as near as I could tell had processed it and were now grateful to see the living souls that had put their lives on the line and more importantly that they loved and were very glad to see again.A bunch of us moved down the street that next day. We found a store front with a lot of glass, not a good thing, but looked very straight and clean inside. We walked in and saw others so we said hello and immediately started giving them kudos on how clean and nice the place was. It looked like the business was for lawn care. As we made our way left and around the first set of end caps selling odds and ends for the care and upkeep of equipment we saw that the humans inside had set up every 10 feet or so down a long store front business and they had all set up on the floor in the isles between the stands of items. We introduced ourselves and sat down on the farthest left isle before the wall. We could see that everyone was in good spirits and we made general talk. We had a fake piece of carpet where several men were on one side and several young women on the other. We could see through a fish tank the young women on the other side where they were playing with each other's hair. We continued discussion with the people we had met and among other things we told them of our children's brave day the day before. Our setup in this building was much the same as before with all of us at angles toward the door and the glass. This made sense as we could all yet again use our pistols and rifles as a front line of defense.


  1. Damn those zombies! Cool blog, David, a place to share dreams. Here's one of mine:

    Making a movie, a dark gangster comedy. Tony Curtis is a bigtime mobster sitting on top of a manhole in a futuristic city in order to hold it down as a hydrogen bomb is exploded far beneath as part of his nefarious plot with mad scientist overtones. When the bomb goes off, he bounces around in a humorous manner as a glowing white light comes up from beneath.

    I’m a hostage of Tony’s gang and am taken by a guard to a modern office building where I’m to be killed, but the guard for his own reasons tricks the guy who’s supposed to kill me and then takes me to a lavish wedding reception that’s all sweetness and light with lots of white lacy decor accented with red. There I find a gold chain of some kind of jewelry and use it to strangle the guard and escape.

    Though this is a movie, the threat to my life was real. The movie continues and I’m Morton Downy Jr. playing opposite Dustin Hoffman. We’re on a lime green sound stage and I’m ad libbing by sliding around the stage to various spots without moving my feet. For some reason I find this very funny and artistic, and think Dustin will too, though I hope he isn’t annoyed by my taking liberties with the script.

    At this point the dream gets kind of fuzzy. It was a very long dream and lots of stuff happened, very entertaining, almost slapstick at times. At one point we are watching a hydrogen bomb explode. We are made to watch it explode several times (in a movie?) until our horror fades and we can appreciate the exquisite beauty of the experience, especially the orange and golden wall of fire that boils out violently from the middle during a certain stage of the explosion.

    Now it’s after the end of the filming and the glittering futuristic city has turned into a post-apocalyptic horror-scape due to our experimentations with all the radioactive explosions, though our mood is jovial and expansive due to the successful shoot. We’re walking off the sound stage into the city (I’m no longer Morton, but am with them) when some kind of power (lightning?) comes down from above and envelops Dustin and Morton.

    They light on fire and Dustin seems kind of surprised that something real could happen to him since he is only an actor. But somehow our bodies have become kind of rubberized and the fire is not painful, though we are like human torches. To my surprise I’m on fire too. It’s not clear if it’s the nature of our bodies or the nature of the fire that makes it not painful. The fire is almost colorless.

    When it goes out we’re burned and ugly-looking, but not badly hurt. I look down and see a wound on the inside of my left thigh that I can open with both hands like a mouth, though it hurts not at all. As we continue into the city the changes in the environment become more obvious.

    Mutant life forms have developed that are like jello-y globs of beingness that can glom onto you and become the body part that that certain being is shaped like. If one is shaped like a head and jumps you, it becomes your head, a gloppy, gray-green or reddish round blob with a mouth. If one is shaped like a hand, it becomes one of your hands, etc.

  2. Tom The fist part of this sounds like a twist on Dr Strangelove. Very cool dream. Lots of fun.
