Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Day at School - Username – Password

A Day at School

I was at college and I was attempting to get a job in or for a certain professor. I had already proposed the salary that I would work for. On each day at the time that this class was to begin I would be in that class though I had another class I should have been in. On this day there was some time before class and I took a seat along with many other students. There were 24 chairs lined up in rows and then in front of that were a long wooden cabinet and then a railing like a white fence that went in a square that sat behind the cabinet. At one point a muscular fellow moved the cabinet to the left a few feet and later another moved it quite a ways to the right.

While waiting for class to begin I remained standing and milled around the room. Later I stood up by the cabinet and looked over the white railing behind it and saw many students sitting on the floor and on a couple of couches that were there. The teacher was discussing part of today’s lesson and eliciting responses from the students. One such student Keith Richards was discussing the attitudes of Christians and sinners made this response, “They cure the sinner.” The discussion was centered on a document that was in the hands of this class. The teacher, when asking for the thoughts of the students on a particular topic of discussion, put this forth in this way. He was waking about the room when saying, “The folks that let us hold on to this document to discuss, read, learn and possibly request changes.” Then he asked the question of his students. This discussion was surrounding two thoughts that were of equal weight but different and fighting for the same position of prestige. When putting this thought to the students the teacher, who at this point could be noticed as being Martin Sheen, walked about with a seawater crab on each of his hands and gnashing the claws of each together, asked a question of his students. “Does this mean I am to forever walk around with these being the same?” I remember that I wanted to answer that the difference was not the actual statement involved but the thought process that lead to either.”

Username – Password
I needed to remember a username and password to shut down and important computer system. The username was larryb and the password was champs Elise.

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