Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hotel 18

Hotel 18

As I was walking in my house I was hit in the face by a flying bug. It fell mortally wounded onto the carpet at my feet. Though I felt bad for the creature I felt little trepidation at the common and accepted practice that I was about to participate in.

I picked the insect up. It was large nearly 5 inches in length. It had a round ball like body with long wings flaring out at all sides from its body. The overall effect of this winged creature was to remind me of badminton "birdie." Though I knew this little being was dyeing I felt anxious at the thought I would be hastening the process.

I did not know how to bring about the insect's end and eventually I used the garbage disposal where I placed it to drown in the darkened hole there. I then took the insect and gripped the small body on both sides and twisted with my hands until it broke into two pieces. I extracted from the broken husk a tube that had been at its core.

Its body in one piece felt much like a small plastic mechanism, except that it had an oily fluid it was encased in. When my father walked by I showed him what I had and he remarked, "Oh, you acquired yourself an hotel 18."

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