Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Body flight, metal burns and Kennedy

I was flying a lot.  What I mean by that is my body was in the air a few feet off the ground and my arms were out and my knees bent and I just moved toward where I was going.  I was on top of a metal structure which I was breaking on through so that I could then go to the ground.  It was like you might see in a dream sequence which is exactly what this was. Yes? At one point I said there was men and things coming out of the ground and out of the corner of my eye I saw a something red and thought it was a threat so I chucked whatever I had with me at it.  After I had taken care of two threats I slid around them and then to the right of the metal structure and then back around and up the other side into a dark space and back out.  Then there was an open double wide sheet of  news print and I flew inside of it.  I was into the valley and down and up one side of it and down the other.  I could fly the creases and valleys of the entire two page spread.  At one point metal like claws were grabbing at my hand and each time it touched I had intense pain.  This happened a few times and each time the intense pain.  I wanted to make sure I was away and in the light and maybe these things would go away.  I flew back to the top of the large metal structure where I decided I might go over to a building that was a bit in the distance. It had lights lighting it up.  I flew over there in a haphazard and meandering route.  The flight was more like a float as opposed to flying.  There were dark corners to the building as well and I didn't go near them or closer to the building.  

I was then in my home on the lower floor.  We had been needing to get a patio door lock which is like a hard plastic tube that goes in the sliding door track and locks there so when an intruder tries to break in they cannot open the door even if they get the lock undone.  I was thinking about this as I flew by and was a bit stuck on the thought.  I then flew over to the back of my sound speaker which sits on the floor some five feet away.  I was talking to my wife about the stick and asking where the one we had was and she said Kennedy had gotten it.  Kennedy was my orange colored domestic short hair tabby that is now gone.  Then I noticed that I had little pieces of metal in and on my hand and each causing pain.  She had said that the Dr found the tumor he had was the equivalent of two quarts in size.  I could not stop crying thinking about my Kennedy.  Then thinking about my other kitties that were gone.  I had quite a cry. 

1 comment:

  1. Aww!
    I love the fact that you were flying though. Experiencing that even in a dream must be cool.

    I wanted to ask something though, do you ever think of going to an expert and telling them about the dreams you have, some of them might be saying something. Do you believe in that though?
    Could be your subconscious trying to tell you something. I know that may sound weird, but maybe the expert could explain about those dreams.
    Just a thought.
