Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sleep is hard to come by

I had gotten my heart checked at a hospital in a large city. There was another man we picked up and took him with us and his name was Jim. He was an older guy, maybe 85. We were going back home and we were in a pickup and we met him in his pickup on a dirt road leading up into the hills where we lived. He was a heart surgeon and if I needed surgery I was hoping he would do it for me.

My brother and I had been fighting over who got the best bedroom and as I was leaving he taunted me with the fact that he was going to get the better of the bedrooms. I yelled out "screw it then I will sleep in the parking garage in 33 or something then." We stayed inside a large hospital floor and then a connected house and the bedroom that my brother wanted was a room where it was to have fewer people and in better shape and more comfort. The other of us would have to stay in the hospital part.

When we got back I told my parents about my brother being the cause of all of our fights of late and that I deserved the bedroom. That he had taunted me with "House" which was his way to tell me he would get the house bedroom. I told them I should not lose out due to my being nicer on the fights. I got my mother well on my side as I continued to talk and my father shortly followed along and they agreed to let me sleep in that bedroom. We walked to the bedroom and I looked in and of course my brother was there on his bed but it took me only a few more seconds to see I didn't know what I was really fighting for as the room was small and weird and cramped. Not only that but there was another person in the room and he looked darn funky and not someone I wanted to be around. I wondered if there was just anything better so I headed off into the hospital section. As I looked at the rooms there were a lot of what seemed to me to be mental patients in each room and the room were more like larger dormitory rooms that fit five people. I was not thrilled with this whole darn thing!

I finally found my friend Jim that was in a bed overnight and they didn't think he needed the surgery and he had a really wide bed and would be leaving the next day. He told us when we went in he said there was no other bed that could be put in there because his bed has a long bar on it and would preclude any other bed. I said well I will sleep with him for the night and he wasn't weird about it nor was I so I grabbed a thin blanket and laid down and at first I was able to rest but then Jim started getting uncomfortable. He would turn from side to side and when he did his blanket would not get on his shoulder correctly so I would grab the blanket and place it nicely around his shoulders and get it tucked in well and almost as soon as I would get it done he would turn yet again. He was also hurting on the bed and he just could not make himself feel any better. Later he said in a groan, "I'm cold, I'm cold" so I took care of him. I felt for him really but also it was tiring since I had already had a full day and wanted to rest. Jim decided he needed to go to the bathroom so he got up slowly and put himself together a bit and went out the door. While he was gone another guy, bedraggled and wobbly, came into the room and a nurse grabbed him and he started to get violent so three other nurses soon went to help as he had the first nurse by the throat. I went down off the bed and put my arms between the nurses and the man and pried them apart. At this point the man exclaimed, "OK, OK I will leave but I will be back tomorrow." But he was gone.

About this time I realized the I too was in need or going to the restroom so I got up and headed out the door. I wandered down the long hallway and saw a lady going into a restroom marked women. I went further down the hall and found mens. I peeked myself in and saw about five urinals and a stall and in each of the urinals stood, stooped or propped a strange looking man that did not look at all "with it" mentally. This freaked me out and I left. As I walked back down the hallway I noticed two tubes that on this end were surrounded by metal scaffolding and on the tube end was a large spin wheel that was the opener and closer to the tube. It was obvious this was serious business and the blue light blinking on the top of the tube was meant I am sure to say in use and stay the hell out.

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