Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Logic Machines

There were two logic machines that were built. One was on one side of the ocean inlet and the other was on the other side of the inlet. These machines were actually human-machine combination. The human would do all of the problem solving and the machine would take the answer and transcribe it and store it. The human on this side making up half of the machine was younger, smarter and more up-to-date than the machine on the other side. He was able to ask more specific and appropriate questions. This man was approximately 28 years of age. The human would ask a question of himself that had been created by his mind to match closely the problem that was to be solved.

An example of the type of logical computing done was that we, the small group there at the time, would say that we wanted to leave. The man knew of the address for our homes and would ask himself, where will they go and he would be able to answer that question with the knowledge he had of our addresses. The deductive reasoning based on the question that he had asked and the information that he had in his mind was really rather spot on and usually it would not take more than a question or two to come up with the answers needed.

The machine on the other side had gotten to the point of being so inefficient that they were in the process of moth-balling it and most likely putting together a new and better version. They wanted to try and keep it active for a time so they wanted that machine to know the machine on our side in hopes that it might allow it to last a while longer.

The small group of us had been working and thus needed the logic machine's help to complete our work. However we found that we enjoyed hanging out at our lunches and after work and were using the machine strictly for fun.
At one point our small group was on the waterway and were crossing to the other side and we used the logic machine to help create a fairly decent size wave that we then rode out for a much quicker ride over. We had the logic machine with us and this wave was a pretty decent sized wave and yet the logic machine was able to create yet a bigger wave for us. This wave frightened the human half of the logic machine which our small band of people thought was rather odd as he had created the wave he was now frightened of.

We like our logic machine human and he wanted our friendship so we made certain that we did not leave for the day without saying goodbye and sharing niceties with the young man. On this day the logic machine on the other side of the water came to our side and met his counterpart. However as we kept our machine busy the one from the other side left and went back to his own side of the inlet. Our machine had blamed the other machine for not having said goodbye to him.
Once the machine from the other side had gotten back to his own side and gotten into his building which looked a bit like a lighthouse we began to see with our eyes the action he was taking in creating his next question and this question and logic was to respond to our machine that he had indeed said goodbye. I had not seen this exchange but several of our small crew had and vouched for the fact that it had happened.

Our group was comprise of 3 women and the rest men and later that day the men had taken a break and started playing poker. The machine was being our banker and odds maker and every now and then would help someone at the table to make it just a bit harder of a game overall.

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