Thursday, November 4, 2010


I was in the company of another gentleman.  We were sitting at a desk, he on the backside of the desk, me on his right.  It was the concern of the man that I was sitting with that some of the bee and wasp varieties that lived near our business were not of good health.  A young boy of maybe twelve was telling us that at least one of the five species living nearby was indeed ill and not behaving in the manner that they are known to act.                       

He brought us one longish bodied wasp in his hands and placed it on the desk on the corner nearest to me.  We were obviously curious and asked him, “Is this one of the ailing?”  He told us that this specie should be “robust” in their nature and let loose of the wasp.  The wasp shot forward like the light.  I was waving my hands furiously so as not to get stung.   “Yes,” we said “that one was surely robust.”  How this showed poor health in this prized specimen I am not certain.


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