Thursday, November 18, 2010

Plague of Spiders - Sawmill frustrations and remembrances

Plague of Spiders

This dream is all about the plague of spiders I endured. Everywhere I walked to, everything I did, every drawer I opened, every action I took only uncovered further Black, horrible looking and dangerous spiders that were the size of two hands. They had hairy, ugly long legs that they tangled in among each other and pushed for leverage over the other long legged spider that was in turn doing its best to move over or around the spiders around it. They were all very close to me and all ready to take me out if they could but I survived. That is if you call it survival it was really more like torture as I only survived long enough to endure yet more Black, ugly monster spiders.

Sawmill frustrations and remembrances

I worked in a sawmill at a position that was inside the mill so much less outright physical work and more switching and watching flow. Our mill was extremely fast cutting Western Red Cedar fencing and other Cedar products. Since I left that work and gotten into Computer network support and configuration I still have dreams about the mill.

This was a report of mine a year ago. I had over a week on of dreams around March 10, 2009 and another week earlier in the year that I dreamed I was in a sawmill and a lot of times major segments of the mill I worked in were in the dream.
This is the problem I have dreams of two types about the Sawmill.
One is that I am stuck in a dangerous position in between some machinery and trying to find my way out before I got hurt. I would have to dodge the machinery each time it moved and I was close to being hurt every time. I couldn't get out because there was no one that could hear me calling for help and the mill was not stopping. I could not get out also because it was very difficult making a maneuver to extricate myself with the machinery flying by at mill speed.

The other form of sawmill dream that I have is that the mill was running very fast and I could barely keep up and I was pushed harder and harder as the time went by. Both of these types of dreams are extremely agitating and do not lead to good sleep or a great attitude when I get up, rather I am hung over feeling and already running at a terrible pace not able to relax. It is not relaxing sleep!

On this night November 17, 2010 I had the form of this dream which was pushing me faster and harder in attempts to run the machinery to keep up. I did wake up extremely hung over and tired and was not relaxed.

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