Sunday, November 21, 2010

Rowdy crowd - Finances, fights with mother and the ice cream shortage

Rowdy crowd

I was in my early twenties and I was at a large house with quite a few people. We were all just hanging out. I didn't know anyone well and the group of people were not the type of people that I would usually hang out with. There were a lot of rowdy small town kids. There was a girl there a bit older that I was sitting beside and she seemed to want to know me better. I was afraid and hesitant to make any moves but finally I nuzzled closer to her and I could see that she was responsive and that her friend beside her smiled and slightly nodded her head in approval. It was not so much a signal as it was a natural form of body language.

I was watching a group of people that were to our left, three guys all a bit odd to me as they were such rough types but watching them was interesting. I had to get up and when I walked across the large area I was bothered my one of the guys in the room on the other side. He had been bothering the girl I was trying to get close to and I challenged him with a smack of my fist directly to his jaw. I told him that I was ready. I would take a punch and to go ahead and give it to me if he felt I deserved it. I told him you deserved that punch and you know it but if you must give it back but you now know what I think of what you were doing. I could see him red faced going through all the alternatives in his mind and finally he acquiesced and walked away. His body language told me he was reluctant and his demeanor told me that even though he had reluctance he understood what had just happened.

I sat back down by the girl and her friend that I was attempting to get closer to and eventually started using touch in other ways such as around her shoulders and getting close and near her left arm. It wasn't long until I was quite assured that this lady wanted my company and was holding her squarely in my arms and did so the rest of the night.

Finances, fights with mother and the ice cream shortage

I was a late teenager and was living at home with my parents. My mother and I were often at odd with each other and this day was another one of those days. However the first thing that happened this day was my younger niece came in and telling me how in Iraq they were out of ice cream and that in the US we also had a severe shortage. I saw that she was agitated. The news did not bother me but the news did surprise me.

A bit later my mother said something to me that seemed to me to be a dig at my lack of a job at that time but more than directly about the job it seemed to be a dig at how decent a person I was. I didn't like that at all and I looked directly at her and told her I wasn't at all pleased with the way she was speaking to me.
A bit later after our words I had come back from going into the other room and I attempted an apology and she said I deserved what she said. My sister was nearby but I still bent down a bit as my mother was sitting, looked her in the eye and told her to fuck off. I was hurt and I didn't know how to express that hurt so I had lashed out.

Later when dad got home I could hear a discussion and that finances were tight that dad had not made enough money for that quarter and that he had lost money on a certain venture. That maybe dad could try placing some bets to overcome the shortage. I wasn't sure if it was a way of trying to lighten the mood or if she was actually serious.

A bit later I went back to where mother was sitting at the dining room table and I sat down and I once again apologized and I could see this time that mother was going to soften. She talked about the tight finances and that and that indeed there was an ice cream shortage.

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