Sunday, November 28, 2010

The storm

I was staying in my parents' home when I was in my late teens. This day I was listening to Stern on the radio and there was a psychic on. He was working with a man and women and the women needed a whole lot of energy. The psychic transferred all the energy he had to the man but the man did not feel anything. They discussed this and the man assured the psychic that he was open to the energy and wasn't sure why he had not felt what would be expected. The psychic said I bet your girlfriend took it. The man responded by saying well she has before. It came down that the women would take the power. Stern was laughing that this was a ridiculous outcome.

That day in my own area there was a really bad storm approaching. I was in my bedroom. I was alone and the storm startled me when I saw it. I was trying to get my parents on the phone as I felt that I needed something badly to last out the storm. About that time my mother walked in. I went downstairs to join her. She had been fixing up some food in the oven on a very slow cook. She was trying to make it ahead of time and needed to get it done as it would become to ripe in a short period of time. When she opened the oven I looked over her shoulder to see what was in it. She was moving things around and there was popcorn and potato's and even some candy looking things all in the pan together in layers. She was stirring through it and some of it looked good and other parts looked rotten and even others burnt.

I went back to my bedroom and my mother came in and was giving me what I had needed. She all of a sudden said, "Oh no! There goes the crystal." I said, "What?" and she explained to me that the storm had broken a piece of crystal. At that time I heard a shaking behind my bed and it was glassware and one piece started to quiver and then lost its form as if it was changing state into something other than the glassware it had started out as. This made me wary of the storm and what was happening and I looked behind me at the shelves to see what else was going on there. I saw that one of my favorite pieces was nearly broken and finally it did break as I was watching and I groaned to mother that it had broken one of our favorite pieces. My mother by this time had gone back downstairs and I could hear her shuffling around furniture and the like. About that time I smelled fire and it seemed to be coming from the head of my bed. I turned to look closer at the area and I could see smoke coming from the head of my bed. I ran downstairs and told my mother that we needed to call 911 as we had a fire now. She agreed and started to call so I went back upstairs. I saw my TV and was interested that the psychic was still working on the show and that the guy looked completely bedraggled at this point.

I decided I better try to fight back some of the fire. I had not gotten to that area in some time and there was a large dirt area that I thought would be embarrassing if the fire department came over so I brushed some of it away. I could see a square clearly shown there and it looked like a small compartment you could get into but I ignored it for now. I took a hose and sprayed down the area and got most of what I could see of the fire under control, at least in this area.

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