Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Attack of the negatives

I was being attacked my negatives. I was attacked from all sides. My Twitter stream, my phone, my car, conversations around me were all brimming with negatives. Each time I saw, read, heard or otherwise interacted with any negative I was attacked. A timber one time many inches in depth and a foot wide would came flying through the wall at me. Other times some other form of attack from any type of item would come flying at me from completely unique locations. It was hard to negotiate any type of safety from this. I had to duck, slip, jump, shift, or move in any way I had to in order to dodge the danger and I had to do it quickly. I was totally debilitated in every way as each way I moved or action I took there would be yet another negative. Over time each day I was shell shocked anew. I had overheard conversation about someone getting into trouble and I tried immediately to give positives that I thought the person was a good person but had let themselves get into a situation they were not aware of. Because of what I had said others thought I was too forgiving and started to shy away. They too were sending me negative energies. Over time I learned how to stop my own negative actions or thoughts and the condition began to alter. I was not attacked as I had been. It would still happen from time to time but I had a lot more control of the entire ordeal. I took care of my Twitter account more efficiently. As my queue filled up I got to it more quickly or made decisions that I was unable to at this time but the queue would always fill so I had to learn a better way of handling it. This too began to back off the condition. I took more control over my phone messages and that too helped to calm the situation. My car when it began not to work and things in it began to get worse and it was going to quit running. I took care of it. Periodically I felt like I might get into a traffic accident or receive a ticket. I turned that into a positive condition as well by being more alert. All of the work with my car and driving also added a much needed calmer demeanor. I was always quite alert to the things I had to take care of and I knew there could always be a point that I would be in danger again. I asked for help from those around me. Others began to see what I was dealing with and helped. I had gotten everyone on board but for Henry Rollins I wanted one of my friends to get a hold of him and get things straight with him. One of my friends knew him well but was gone at the moment. Periodically I felt like I might get into a traffic accident or receive a ticket.

Down the road in time I did go through periods of letting things get out of control and then I would right it again. It was hard work trying to take care of the many pieces of my life and it was very difficult at times to negotiate. It was a very up and down situation but for the most part the peaks were lower for the period of time it was bad and mostly I stayed on a more even keel. Even I noticed that particular news programs or things of the nature I began to leave more out of my life. I began however to learn that I did not have to leave it out of my life but learn to deal with it in the right frame of mind, that crime was out there. I needed to be aware. I needed to know my world, my city and my neighborhood but that I needed not to let it become me or overcome me. I needed to be me. I had been watching a local talk variety show carried in my area. A lighter more fun approach with interviews, guests and things being taught. On this particular day I was watching the show a guest that I had admired from Miami Ink and then In LA Ink was on. Her name is Kat Von D. She is a very positive person with a great attitude and will talk with customers in depth about deaths in the family.

The workers at her side very much cared for her. I could see her in my mind's eye.
One day I was in the car and I was going to see Henry Rollins and convince him that I needed him in my life. I went by a place that I had seen before and I recalled that I had seen it when I was in the first trouble with the Negatives. Later on this same drive I saw a huge grove of mushrooms each nearly six feet in height and they had smooth tops as the quintessential white mushroom look but they had an ornate a beautiful pattern on the entire top with intricate, blue shapes every couple of inches and there was a sheen to the mushroom that was just off white to the blue side. I stopped my car and I crawled on top of the mushrooms and each time I moved I could hear a "bloop" sound. There was a stand of brush and trees behind the mushrooms and on the other side of them voices from some of the people there were asking me what I was doing. They seemed to be wanting me to get down from the mushrooms.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!!
    Really your dreams are so detailed, it's amazing. Mashallah!

    I loved this one, how you were trying to push away everything negative and how you dreamt of ur Twitter account.
