Monday, November 22, 2010

Dream Interpretation from View Points of Jung and Freud

Freud is well known for his dream interpretation. What has seemed to make this known is his viewpoint that many things in dreams are Sexual in nature. Jung is the other major father of Psychiatry and he also thought that Dream interpretation could tell us a lot.

General Wiki on Carl Jung

General Wiki on SigMund Freud

Before I go into the two on Dream Interpretation I want to explain my background. I have studied a great deal of Psychiatry and Behavior Analysis and although I have take from Freud in what I believe and used but I am primarily a Jungian in belief. Jung is the first major studier of the science of Psychology that believed a great deal in the soul. He also believed that humans were basically spiritual beings. He was the father of Analytical Psychology and in that he believed in Cognitive Behavior Therapy These are the core of what I believe and have used and studied.

OK lets go on with the links for their Dream Interpretation beliefs



I hope this gives you some information that might prove interesting to you.

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