Friday, November 26, 2010

The Bird - Stilts - Tapestry control

The Bird

I was walking down a paved road and from behind and past me went a bird, not at all a common bird. The bird had a head about the size of a softball. It had fluffy white feathers. Leading away from it and streaming along behind it as it flew was its neck. The neck was perfectly round and about the size of a baseball. The very odd part of this is that the neck was 15 or more feet long and as it flew by I gave it a loving pat. Then of course after the long neck came the body which was about the size of a large mallard duck.


I was standing next to a picnic table that was at a small concession stand. In front of me was a large crowd of people standing and milling about. In the distance and moving ever closer was a lady on stilts that were 100 feet tall or so and there was a spider web of guide wires coming down from the top of the stilts to the ground. At one point the lady on the stilts swayed far to the left and everyone gasped as we knew that the lady would fall. She did not fall she then swayed far to my right and then eventually worked her way to a spot near the concession stand where I was standing to dismount and there she was talking to assistants about how they had successfully worked the crowd.

Tapestry control

I dreamed of blowing into a tube and changing the patterns and pictures on a tapestry on the wall.

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