Saturday, December 25, 2010

Lockdown Planet

I was in a lockdown environment but it wasn’t a prison it was more like a planet. The location I was locked down to could be dangerous. The main place we lived was like a large mall. And there were devices that you wanted to be able to use that were referred to as a clicker. These devices would do a lot for you. One such thing is that they could help you communicate with the fantasies (will explain later). They would also help normal daily duties. There were many of them and were for anyone and everyone’s use but were often gathered up and kept by people or lost and were not available.

I was saying goodbye to a dear friend and was writing out on a hand-held white board, “Thank you for your support” and explained that it meant the world to me. I was speaking with a dark haired lady that was Julie Louis Dreyfus. She had tears in her eyes and as I wrote she would force herself to look at the board though she did not want to and would glance away in tears.

At one point I was sitting on a couch in our living quarters and a lady approached me that had a camel in tow and she wanted me to pet the camel. The camel’s head leaned over to see me and I started giving him some attention. I loved it, the camel was obviously friendly and very nice. I would then have to hold back the camel from crawling on my lap and I was speaking out loud, “Yes, you would crawl all the way up if I would let you wouldn’t you?”

However inside this place there were cliques and fighting and deaths. There were those that stayed out of the fray and there were those that felt the pain. And there were far too many innocents that also paid the price. I was fairly new. I lived as I could.

I tried to leave our living place and go down to the beaches and went on the road to get there but about half way the residents of the fantasy cities, that resided on the hilltops on the left of me, would mess with me and send me into fantasy worlds. I could not stop it as I did not have a clicker to negotiate. I later complained about wanting to be able to make it to the beaches and forest and the fact that I had no clicker. Marion Ross offered me a vest that had a hidden pouch in the back that I could then stash away a clicker when I was able to gather one up.

There was another place in our living quarters that was used by some individuals that were stayed mostly in the dark. They had a huge room with electronic equipment for video and such that led and light displays would glow. They hung around on huge room-sized bean-bag cushions. The floors however were cement, litter and dirt covered and cold. The inhabitants had laptops and would site cross legged and compute. There seemed to be more going on than pleasure but was not certain what it might be. It seemed that it may have been more than work as well, it seemed to have a very important purpose.

On another occasion I was told to go outside and get one of the scooters that we also used. They looked much like a garage mechanic’s roll cart. I had driven outside with a car and down a road to a place on the roadway where a train was on the right side. And along the highway was a cart on the ground and a fellow there. I threw the cart in the hatchback of the car and intended to take it back with me. I talked with him and took the cart but somehow he still had a cart and he put it on the train tracks and took off. It seemed to me that the cart was a highway and train cart.

I was in our living mall and one man a bit frantic with purpose was attempting by aggressive persuasion to have me join into a conspiracy of murder. The man to be murdered walked into a restroom privacy lounge and my persuader followed in behind him and went to his hands and knees on the floor to get an idea who was in the room. I was behind him but started walking away and out into the bigger room a down the hall. I did not want to be a part of this and it scared the hell out of me but at this juncture I did follow him as I was afraid of the consequences if I did not. Our brief conspiracy ended when the man came out and said that the one to be killed must have walked on past the restroom. This seemed to stop this occasion. I remember at this time flashing to when a new policeman joined a department and on a street outside of a deli other officers were posing the question to the man, “Are you on your own or are you Blue?” and the young cop answered, “Blue.” This officer was Boscoe from the TV show “Third Watch”.

At another occasion I enquired as to the mechanisms of my surroundings. I could see the cliques and death and so on but could not tell what the flow was, who was after whom and what revenges and aspirations were at play. At that time a couple of people went to a blackboard and started writing names and associating them with places and wanted me desperately to look at that. No talking and I felt they could not talk because of having no voices. I did get the message that these were loved ones that had been killed, wives and family. Others were pointing out to me people that were walking by and how one lady was a certain nationality and that this nationality had a war going with another.

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