Monday, December 20, 2010

Extreme Waves

I was living with my mother. We had just purchased a new home. It was a very nice home that was reasonably large sitting on quite a hill. The house had a large sturdy window at the back where there was an ocean view from a large living room on the back side. There was a bath and bedroom, kitchen, dining room and a storage closet. A second story also had another large window facing toward the view. This level also had two bedrooms that were on what was the front side of the home and away from view. The floor plan was basic but did what it needed to do to allow the view and comfortable living.

I was in the living room on the lower floor hanging out. The weather was stormy so I was set to be inside for the day. I could see the water was choppy and the trees were blowing. A bit later I could hear the wind build and slowly reach a howl and the trees began to whip from side to side. The window view showed the water was at a churn and the waves were building size. It was quite a storm I thought. The storm steadily built and was now a monster.
I could see now the waves were very large probably in the 15 foot range and it was concerning. I now had others in the room looking at the storm and we were very near the ocean; in fact it seemed I was so near the water that it broke against the house and the waves were steadily issuing a beating. Now the waves were monster in height and carried that height throughout the breadth of what I could see side to side.

I was now in the company of others. There were maybe fifteen of us milling around in the room and all concerned at the thrashing the waves were giving the window. The window had been built to withstand hurricane winds but I and I could tell all the others were fearful it wasn't strong enough. In between each wave that forced its way in and crashed against the window I could see the waves now even larger I guessed maybe in the unbelievable range of 25 feet and now when they hit the window gasps could be heard and the window seemed to bow inward. I was now completely alarmed and could hear in the voices of the others that they too were frightened. Wave after wave whooshed and slammed. Each wave hitting was another pummel against the glass with some in the room registering that we had made it by another and then voicing it. The waves had nearly covered the window now but in the brief interim between them I could see they were now absolutely demolishing record book heights. I didn't even have time to really think about this when a wave hit and a crack rung out and then a two foot sized hole opened up in the window. This I could hear had made an impression and everyone in the room including me ran up the near spiral staircase to the upper floor. There too the window overlooked the madness that was the ocean and when I looked at it I was absolutely terrified. The waves were so implausibly large that to believe an alien life form was beside me would have been easier to believe than what I saw before me.

The waves had now reached this floor and were nearing the top. The water from the lower floor was in the short time of my climb already at my feet. Now my focus changed and I was on a ship and it was the ship that was taking the beating. I climbed yet another floor higher. I held tight as I was tossed around. I was certain now I would give my life to this water but it was not to be. I was at the very tail of the ship now and as one wave through us backward our ship barely reached another solid landing. Not even knowing what it was I was hurdling to I leaped and made the solid mass.

I found myself in the middle of a city, a bustling kinetic city. A city that had no concern of a storm or a wave. A city where not a single soul shared my fright or even noticed me or I guess if they did it was not something they registered for long.

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