Wednesday, December 29, 2010

One Man at the Door and Three on the Tube

Barbara and I were living in our first house. I came home through the side door and Barbara was at the front door talking to a man that was standing outside. It was a nice sunny day and sunshine was creeping in around the man and into the house. The man looked to be in his mid 40s and was holding a piece of paper. He was talking to Barbara about taking the piece of paper to a certain city and location. Barbara was saying to him that he should not take it there saying that it was a bad place and bad things would happen. The man was trying to get Barbara to let him in the house and she was saying no to him and trying to use a sort of stubborn logic with the man that she would not because the place he wanted to take the paper was a bad place and that he should be thinking about good places and good things that could happen.

Eventually because of my discomfort of the situation I told the man to leave and I closed the gate behind him and then closed the doors to the house. Barbara went into the bedroom and started watching TV and I started watching TV in the living room. The movie we were watching was the same and it was about a women who was telling three other women she would not hang out with them and also in the movie was a man in the woman’s life and he was saying no to hanging out with three men.

While I was watching the television the gates were constantly coming open as they were not sturdy and I kept closing them and then going back into the house. I was still very uncomfortable with the conversation that had been taking place and I was peeking out the drapes to make certain that the man did not come back. On one of the occasions that I was looking out the drapes I saw the man on the back of a truck in an awkward position. It appeared as if some friends were able to drag him part way on the back and left the man there. I saw another two men and three women get into the truck and they all left.

On the television the three men and women had awoken on a new day and each at their horror could see in the mirror they had changed into a horrible monster with misshapen faces and one with stubby, ugly horns.

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