Monday, December 6, 2010

Sawmill Tallies and rushed actions

I was working in a sawmill. There was another company that worked on the other side of the large complex and they too were a sawmill. I was given the task of going to that side of the complex and taking a tally of the lumber they had that was ours that we were now moving away. I believe that the company had plans on buying us out and when I went there to tally they did not like me doing any of my work without one of their people being able to see me. I had to go into a large warehouse that was mostly being unused by their people except for various stacks of supplies scattered at random. The warehouse was open on both ends but unlit so when I went in there I could see from the bright sunlight that filtered inside but it was a dimmed light.

I was looking for a particular stack of lumber that was bound in metal bands. I started wandering the shed and a foremen of the side came in and asked me what I was doing. I told him and he said well let me have this man help you out. He left and the other man in his actions I could tell wanted me to finish my business and leave. I found a stack of our lumber and could not find an appropriate way to take it back with me and I now was pressured by the man's fidgeting to come up with a solution as quickly as I was able. I did not really take time to think things rationally but acted. I saw a dirty refrigerator that had been stored in the warehouse and I grabbed the stack of lumber and thrust it at and onto the side of the refrigerator. There the lumber stack changed its form and in changed form and extremely miniature it now stick to the side of the refrigerator. The only indication that anything was attached to the refrigerator was a miniature but ultimately realistic picture of the lumber as it had been.

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