Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bedroom to the Hall - Energy of the Fish - The Prancing Hand

Bedroom to the Hall

I went from the bed through our bedroom door and out into the hallway. Was in a bit of a hurry was a little frightened. Got to the hallway and flipped the hallway light on and it did not come on. Flipped the office light on across the hallway and it did not come on. I thought the power might be out but immediately found that was wrong as my computer was on. I took this trip three times back to back.

Energy of the Fish

An older wrinkled man was teaching me how to draw energy. He would go by the docks and go by buckets of fish that fisherman would have and would hold out his hands and draw up the energy to use for his own body.

The Prancing Hand

Barbara my wife was in bed but sort of sitting up and there was a hand separate of anybody that was sort of prancing around nearby. This was actually the hand of my carpool buddy that I go to work with. I was sitting on the other side of the bed and wanted to swat it as it was a bit revolting and my wife wanted to pet it and treat it kindly.

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