Monday, January 3, 2011

Living in Times of Dust

I was with a bunch of other people looking for shelter. It was in a very large area that was very sandy and obviously covered over quite a period of time. It was a post apocalyptic frontier that I had read about in so many science fiction novels. The bunch of us was split into partners. I and my partner ran into a well. It was buried in sand and we could not see its condition so I started digging it out. The other fellow joined in and soon we had uncovered a pumping apparatus that looked to be in good shape. Of course though it looked worthy in my opinion it was the machine guru that I was with and he was the one to assure me that it was indeed a good find. I started to yell out for my brother. I wanted to make sure that the group came over to this prime location. I continued to yell for the others for quite some time. Eventually we had a group of about forty of us that gathered at the well.

The well was in a corner of a building that had a full roof and doors on it and was about 900 feet of space total. It had one large room and then leading off to one side a smaller room and then a hallway leading to a room that was in the back. We assembled everyone in the room and then I stood up and explained to everyone that the machine guru had said that in the corner we had what should be a working well. We had decided that about ten people could sleep under cover in the room. We then asked everyone to help and to get up from the large table that we were all sitting at and spend some time sweeping the floors. The floor was littered not only with sand but also with small chunks of debris.

During cleanup time I was told by one individual, a fellow that I had worked with that he thought he perfectly understood what had happened to the world and that it could be seen in a couple of pictures that he had taken. He showed me the pictures where one showed a service station and the other nothing but sand and the two pictures were lined up on sections of land very near each other.

The next day we gathered together again and there were a few individuals that had been ahead of picking duties and responsibilities for everyone. They started to tell each person what they would do. As they went around the room, there were some for domestic care, some for scavenging and so on. I did not hear what I was to be and mentioned that to a neighbor of mine however I was sure it was a leadership role.

Sometime early the next morning before everyone would wake and get up I got up from my sleep which was in the room around the corner and walked into the large room. On my way I looked in the corner where the well was and could see that it was working great. It was a hole about ten feet deep, which is what we had unearthed the few days before. At the bottom of the hole was a pump off to the side of the bottom and straight out of the middle was a stream of water that was shooting up to the top of the hole in a round compact stream about 6 inches round. I thought to myself that the pump would have to be working and then the water would naturally shoot to the top and flow like that. I also passed a larger fellow that was playing with a young child to keep him occupied. He was telling the child that he understood that it must be difficult to be separated from his mother during sleep time. I thought to myself that eventually he would get used to it. The person with the child was the fellow that could naturally be the one to stay up at night and perform duties.

In the large room, in the corner was a card table with a gentleman that was our main leader talking to another fellow. He was telling his partner about two people that left our group and took off to other parts. I was not sure I had heard correctly and spoke up and asked it that is what I had heard and they said yes and I groaned with sadness, we could use all the help we could get.

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