Monday, January 31, 2011

Exhausting Exhumations

I was working with my father. I was on the side of a long series of chains that stacks of lumber moved down. It was our job to pick out size and grades and stack on the appropriate lumber stacks that were on our other side. I was unfamiliar with where all the stacks for different sizes were and had to ask several times. Eventually we were done with the stack that we had put up to sort and stack and needed to get another. We left to find another stack to work with. I started to take an elevator and my father said that it would not be big enough. We went to the other side of a glass wall to find the bigger elevator. We got inside one and went down. We got to the proper floor and got out and I could see a stack of bodies. They were Asian and short. I looked at my father and he said that is all that I see to pick up. We went inside of a room to speak with the folks that we needed to pick up from and it was another Asian man behind a counter. We talked for a bit and my father made mention that there was not a lot to pick up. The man finally said I have something else that I would like to show you. He took us around a corner and into another room where he showed us a room that had what appeared to be a flower bed about three feet wide all the way around the room. About every foot or two was a glass bobble or ceramic item. The man said that he had picked it up in Hollywood. I had figured out that we were supposed to exhume all the bodies that would be under all the glass and ceramic markers and sort them. My father walked over to a counter to discuss business and I took a small garden tool and started digging down into the dirt and scraping away at a wooden plank. Another fellow in overalls came over to me and pulled me up and said that it was only 27 degrees and urged me to leave what I was doing. I got up and it was explained to me that everything was left the same and that the temperature was higher than they would prefer to tamper with things and that if we were going to work with things in this temperature I needed to wear a protective suit and breather.

I then can remember waking up from sleep nearby the same room with the same people there. They mentioned that one of them had awakened me. I said that is OK that I had not slept well anyway and that they would have to be patient with me because the first few days I was going to be very tired. I used a common phrase that I would be like a zombie for a few days. The main person that had done business with my father was stepping into a lowered scaffolding type of elevator and was remarking that he had hung out with some zombies the night before. He was smiling and said that he was learning pretty well. He told me he would be getting some rest and doing Ecstasy. He smiled and said the Ecstasy part several times.

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