Thursday, January 27, 2011

Capacitors accidental death and go karts

I was going to school at a college. I had put an extra long-sleeved shirt in a locker and left. Later I was searching for the locker and I could not find it. I went around and around looking for it and my search always ended in frustration. I finally found it and wanted to make sure I could find it next time so I talked to a nearby employee and said what is the name of this section and they told me. I left and later went back to the locker and again around and around I went until I asked an employee for the section. He told me but told me also I had to move to a different area as this was for supplies. I did then find another locker and took down its location.

I then found myself as an employee. I was a grounds keeper and maintenance person. This day I was with another employee that I knew and got along with. We were going to various locations finding a particular kind of round electronic device that was held in many boxes throughout the campus. We wanted to make sure they were ok and take others to be downloaded from. I was learning this particular part and was shown where they were at and I could see they looked like large round capacitors that I had seen in many electronic devices over the years.

As we gathered them a man came to us and said do you recognize this and where it could be from? In his hands he had a mouse head that was stuck inside of a toilet paper roll. We told him that we did not recognize the mouse and he said ok well for now and he flung the mouse like a rock and it landed in a grassy knoll across the paved road in front of us. He waited to see that it landed where he could find it if necessary and when he was satisfied it had he left.

At this very time a group of people were walking down a set of stairs in the building beside us. A gurney was carried just in front of them. As the group made their way to the lower floor we would hear and then see a 20 something lady crying and saying his arms were so cute as she cried.

My fellow employee knew that we needed to got collect one of the same capacitor like electronics that we had just been checking and this time from an area where an accident had occurred. We knew it was a car accident when we heard the lady say that the man had come over and they had no room to move.

We found the capacitor and carried it with us back to the building we had been and on the table were a couple of scrap book sized books. My friend picked one up and said oh a Gold I wonder what they are like. Then he thumbed through the pages and we could see script writing on all the front many pages. My fellow employee then put the book down and said it was a good thing that at least the lady knew the other man as he was a neighbor. I thought to myself that they probably shared looking for pets, borrowing tools and the other many things that neighbors tended to do after some time.

My buddy had learned that the lady had lost her kitty from the accident and so we went to look. He said that they had been holding the kitty when someone after the accident had come over to the car and that although they were sure they had a good grip the kitty jumped and left. I thought to myself just how this will happen so many times if a person had just a hand grip on the pet.

We then came back by the building after some time of looking and could see the lady was on a motorized go kart or sorts. She was motoring on the sidewalk and another man, that was in fact the actor Jeremy Rennor, came out of the doorway with another kart and bumped the lady and headed down a long sidewalk hill. The lady laughed a bit and took off after him. I was afraid that the lady would crash at the bottom of the hill as she was pushing it to catch up. He had stopped at the bottom fine but she rammed the kart, not hard but a ram none the less, and was able to get up hobbling a bit on a cast on one foot and walk.

I could see a group of men playing Basketball in a pick-up game at the bottom and I told my friend that the man just wanted to play in the game. However, we also knew that he had intentionally bumped the ladies cart as it felt he knew her and wanted to take her mind off of what had happened.

I had picked up a large sized smart phone on my route and was contemplating whey the device was not working correctly. I was trying this or that combination of buttons when my buddy said, "put it down." I did then I could see he went to join a group of military men that were at the table and it looked to be a planned meeting. I then took my leave.

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