Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sawmill work, presents and singing

I was working in a very fast cedar saw mill. I was manning a switch that took all lumber that came out of a band saw and made sure that scraps went into scrap, lumber went down and across another chain and lumber that could be cut again across the upper chain to be worked again. The mill was running at high speed and my equipment was not working properly and was keeping me from making fast decisions as the new pieces came down the rolls to me. I was frustrated and somehow kept up so as not to shut down production. It had been a very hard, frustrating day!

After some hours of work I could see other items coming down the rolls to me presents. Presents of all types, large, small, long, short colorful and drab. I could see bowls and toys books and electronics. At one point a stack of Vinyl records came my way which I grabbed and set aside. Another lady that I had worked with for some time came over and we began chatting and she broke out in song. She had a very good voice and it was a pleasantry that this day I could use. She sang a few songs when another lady who looked a great deal like a sister came over to us as well and started adding harmonies. Now this was something I really enjoyed!

It was some time when we were notified that it was break time and we made our way to a large, reasonably pleasant room. It was not fancy in fact was rather plain but was an adequate space with one couch which the ladies sat on. The singing began again. It was not long and a group of men joined us. One of the men sat down on the couch beside the original of the women and she immediately grabbed him up and surrounded him with hugs. And now the room was filled with sound as the three men that had entered each also joined in with the singing and harmonies were abundant. It then dawned on me that the Vinyl albums that I had seen were of these folks making.

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