Saturday, January 29, 2011

The end of a great man

I was at my uncle Martin and aunt Lila's house that they had been living in for years. My uncle was standing near his chair and I hugged him and told him that I loved him very much. He was not as comfortable with it as some but I could tell he appreciated it.

The floors in the house were linoleum and I took an old fashioned string mop and a bucket of hot water and started mopping the floor. Martin was helping me and then had gone back to his chair. I mopped for quite some time. I then found myself mopping in a darkened room. A bit later martin got up, walked to the other side of the room and flicked on the light. I could see by the light that I had been laying down a good path of dirt with my last dozen strokes of the mop. I mentioned it to Martin saying that I might want to clean my mop. I did so and started in on the right side of the floor again and Martin helped on the other side of the room. I could see his mopping style was confident and different than mine and I thought he must have done a bit of it. We continued mopping until we got to where we were meeting in the middle of the floor and I said well it seems we are about to meet. He continued on to the little left towards the kitchen.

Suddenly he buckled at the knee and made a gasp while grabbing his chest. I went over to him and held him as he slowly collapsed further and made a few sounds as he was getting closer to the floor. Lila and my other aunt Ruby were in the kitchen and were both looking over at us. I looked at Lila and made a slight quick tilt of my neck to the side as though we both knew this was the end. Martin then moved his thumb and first finger in a pincer movement and groaned something unintelligible. He did it again and uttered something I thought was the word pie but thought that was silly of me to think that. He then went quiet and I woke up.

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