Sunday, January 30, 2011

Newbie Lost

I was working on a job and we had a new employee come on shift. We greeted the man and the three of us headed up to speak with the others.We had to walk up a steel walkway that was up quite a steep incline and hung over the water. My partner and I got to the top of the ramp and I turned around and pushed the new person back down. We knew that the man would die. As we neared a room with the other company employees I whispered to my co-worker, “do I tell them about the newbie or do you”. When we entered the room my partner told the manager that we had lost the newbie and the three of us headed back down the inclined walkway. There was a section of the walkway that was covered over the top and we had to bend down and crawl part of the way. Since I was the first through I gave a hand to help my manager up. As we then headed the last way to the room on the other end he turned and I pushed him. He caught his balance and soon entered the break room behind me. He looked at me accusingly and I acted as if I knew nothing. I was pouring coffee and offered a drink to him. He used the area to fix a tall glass with cold tea. I told him I would be a bit late to chair the meeting if he was thinking about me taking his place because I had a mess right here to clean up. He walked off and I could hear him mumbling to the effect that he had gotten one clue which was that a bed that was in the break room had been placed, used and then moved.

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