Sunday, January 16, 2011

A beautiful Aria - Playing in the Ocean

A Beautiful Aria

Barb and I were in an underground mausoleum and were sitting on a stone ledge and I told her that I was told that a man would come by and sing the greatest aria ever. We could see the man walk by out of slatted air vents. I could see his legs and the bottom of a white shirt. The tune he was singing was indeed pretty but was an Elton John song.

Playing in the Ocean

I was hanging with a few friends when a man came by and told us that he had a really cool way to play in the ocean. I was the one that tried it. He took a piece of nylon rope and tied a really good knot around my wrist and then left a chunk about 6 feet long on the end where another strong knot tied a good sized ocean fish that laid realistically alive yet strong enough to have out of the water flying in the wind. I flew along the top of the water not quite in the water but very close and when I wanted to I would extend the fish into the water and watch it go. It worked very well. It worked too well. I could see in the deeper water not 20 feet away a large Great White shark coming at me and knew that it would be able to easily grab me only inches above water. I begged for the fellow that was teaching me how to do this to get me the heck out of the water. I did make it to the side and my friends told me I was nuts and I tended to agree with them. They could see the White as well and said that it was indeed after me.

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