Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bebop and Bombs - Spitoon

Bebop and Bombs

An experiment was going on. The team prepared the man and put him inside of a car-sized, metal-encased container. It was roughly in the shape of an egg and once closed was totally secure. After putting the man in the shell a discussion took place that the man should start hearing music and eventually should get to Bebop music. I could somehow see a representation of what music the man was hearing and it began with classical forms and eventually, just as discussed, I could see that the man was now hearing Bebop styled music. At that time a metal door opened up on the side of the shell and a large arm fed into the door a sturdy but high tech looking cylinder. I was told that there would be bomb, which the body needed to hear.


I was in a large hotel looking for a place to go to the bathroom. I went into a kitchen area and was asking a lady there if she could tell me the way. The lady was quite a bit shorter than me, had a worn, wrinkled face and when speaking to me had a matter-of-fact, gruff attitude. She had on a patterned workers dress with a billowing outer covering. Between sentences she leaned over a bit, let the outer covering sag a bit, and spit a black stream of tobacco juice into what must have been a spittoon between her two layers.

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